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Everything posted by EPointer

  1. Thanks. That would be a typical roughshooting type of day for me. Not the quantity of game in the bag but the ground covered & type of action. A mix of dogs. An experienced pointer of 7 seasons, a pointer pup of 11 months & a spaniel in her 3rd or 4th season.
  2. Have my share of luck I guess. Have plenty I hear but don't see as well. Happened me yesterday with same old wiley cock pheasant twice over the pointers. Couldn't get around him. One thing is though in a few of these clips the spaniel is deep in the cover & the birds are flying away from her. You don't even get to see her. She goes in & hunts from inside out rather than hunt outside in if that makes sense. Play off of this method is that she needs to be that bit wilder to push on in rather than Hoover 20 yards in front of you. Horses for courses & all that.
  3. Video I made whiles sitting around over the xmas of the pup I held back from the litter that I bred this time last year Have had very little spare time with work commitments to do much but he has proving to be extremely biddable & picked up a lot from the sire.
  4. Last clip of the season. I've loaded mostly training clips since then. http://www.youtube.com/user/Epointer123?feature=mhee
  5. Again VW Amarok - fine twin Cab & large load area. Most economical 4X4 also
  6. VW Amarok - 35 - 40 MPG 2.0lt so reduced tax also
  7. Cheers lads. There are loads of clips behind that one on my Youtube page. If the weather breaks I hope to add some more... P.S. That's one funny photo Dave!
  8. Hi lads new to this forum. Been reading some previous posts & like the threads. I don't know whether this should be in hunting or dog forum but I rather dog work than anything so added it here also. Some clips of my dogs on youtube attached. Pointer not yet 2 & springer only a pup. Feel free to comment & rate...
  9. Hi lads new to this forum. Been reading some previous posts & like the threads. I don't know weather this should be in hunting or dog forum but I rather dog work than anything so added it here also. Some clips of my dogs on youtube attached. Pointer not yet 2 & springer only a pup. Feel free to comment & rate...
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