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Everything posted by siskin

  1. ingoring the warnings of Enock Powell look at the state of the blackcountry almost a muselem state already, it will not be long till it reaches a city near you!
  2. 2nd what wilf as said ,if your planing to fish one local water find out what method is working at the moment and grear up for that (saves spending to mutch) but saying that a free lined crust works wonders this time of year you cant get any cheaper or greater sport
  3. cracking pic worthy of a book cover any day
  4. i would too also find another veterinary surgery and i would allso think twice about using them for a dog too imo
  5. thats correct chap,the small print is you need a rod lisnce to own rods/poles if fishing any freshwater in uk regadless where and who owns it
  6. the word cu*t used freely and too oftern it should be reserved as a top trump swear word of the highest order English being confused with British the new political correctness buzz word-dual heritage
  7. siskin


    i likey that one :clapper: :clapper:
  8. the sugar sweetener production side is More costly than the pharmacology side hence the cost goes up or profits go down any way imho it could taste like hell as long as it works quick and does its job
  9. i got one too , the 8 round jobby ,works well and not to much trouble with filling with stirrup pump heres a link for the falc forum http://falconowners.myfastforum.org/index.php
  10. i think its dave! im thinking hes a reed warbler
  11. your right on the rod for every job ,i had a woolworths rod that got used for everything and caught 9 times out of 10 ,30 years later a ton of tackle and blank 9 times out of 10 :sick: :sick:
  12. its been 2 rod rule since the 80s, if you want to see a balif try worm fishing on a salmon run they appear from nowhere !
  13. tissues !! its full of doggers around here (rude not to watch)
  14. Yeah i know. lol cant get to vets till tomorrow night though. Any idea on roughly how much its likely to cost? did you taste the green discharge? lol i bet it doesn't taste like rhubarb and custard sweets !!!
  15. i would not stop ! and i would bring a staving dawf to fight the terrier for the bone !
  16. Don,t buy it myself anymore i used to buy the shooting times when fred j taylor did is articles when i was a kid ,they stimulated me his tales about ferreting and longnetting and the monster pike he used to catch 30 odd years on and i do all them things it must be difficult writting about the same, i would like to think that the young kids of today cant wait for the countrymans weekly to come on a thursday its not all about digging holes and catching 5 hares is he still about fred taylor i used to love his telly apperance on the country program
  17. its not allways been that way !! you find a copy from 15 years or so ago and it had some good tips/point of views, coursing results+ news,ins and outs of breeding lines,in sights in to parts of the field sports you had not try ed but once you read a few articles you gave them ago etc now its basic cooking ideas , weak story's writer,n by the same people with a quarter page add in the back for a litter of pups ,full page advertising the same spread week in week out, only my opinion though
  18. i had a border/lakey x whippet know as a whirrer game as fook with a touch of speed
  19. i have read it twice and im convinced its a Hollywood script for a movie "attack of the brain mustelid,s"
  20. Found this when i was cleaning out my garden pond any sugestions??????????? ha great you have found my bait, i hate it when i leave it lying about !!
  21. A hunter walked over to a tree and propped up his shotgun. Just then a gust of wind blew, the gun fell over, and discharged shooting the hunter in the genitals. Several hours later, lying in a hospital bed, he was approached by his doctor. "Well Sir, I have some good news and some bad news . . . The good news is that you are going to be OK. The damage was local to your groin, there was very little internal damage and we were able to remove all of the buckshot ." "What's the bad news?" asked the hunter. "The bad news is that there was some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to your
  22. siskin


    crap joke :notworthy:
  23. my local vets quoted £50 for hob in Wolverhampton (thought i had a vasectomy fetish as i don't own any ferrets yet) been told if on dhss etc pdsa will do a hob for £15 if registered with them
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