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Everything posted by danw

  1. Aye, but most lurchers dont need the game to be full of buckshot Aye your right most lurchers need there game to be full of young run em in the summer youse knows it makes sense :whistling:
  2. doesnt this just mean that the land has to have been checked as suitable for whatever calibre (s) are on your ticket. I have this wording on my ticket and my FEO says its open...... If you have to have the land cleared in any respect then you do not have an open licence, for it to be open all you need is authority from landowner my licence is classed as open and that means I don't need the police to clear the land for calibre or otherwise with a bit of luck matt hooks will be along and explain it better than I can word it :thumbs:
  3. Keepers dog.......? Bloody shot ratio as it is every bird counts :thumbs:
  4. here it is on roller skates LOL
  5. I reckon my cockers peg more game in a season than most lurchers on here will ever see :whistling: :whistling:
  6. OMG read the comments on page 3 someone reckons its a FOX :laugh: :laugh: :icon_eek:
  7. If it was closed it would say something like "land deemed suitable by the chief officer of police" or something like that so I would say you have an open ticket
  8. Where do you buy those scents mate
  9. Ahh if that was the reason then sorry for getting the thread pulled funny though you read some of the threads on here with the threats and all and that continues then a bit of banter gets pulled :blink:
  10. I couldn't see the problem mate as long as every one see's it as a pisstake what's the issue maybe it's cause I mentioned the MB LOL :laugh:
  11. Don't know what happened baw I posted a couple of times, both tongue in cheek replies didn't think they where that controversial then when I logged back on this morning the thread was gone shame when you can't have a piss take :thumbs:
  12. Not cheap but best quality http://www.patrickpinker.com/?id=110 :thumbs:
  13. If you like hot then try these links http://www.chilliworld.com/search/chilliworld_hottest/index.asp http://www.scorchio.co.uk/?kw=hot%20chilli%20sauce&fl=280602&ci=1437260134&network=s&gclid=COba27yw6KcCFQod4QodzkpUaQ Blairs 2am is f*****g hot you dont need much on a burger LOL
  14. shame it isnt for roe like it is north of the border. talk about inconsistent firearms laws The beardy twats at the BDS talked the ACPO out of allowing .22 for roe in England at the last review some one needs to the bds that modern guns are loaded from the back and dont use black powder LOL
  15. When you say you see 10 in a day how big is the estate?that could be lots if it is only 20 acres but on a 1000 it is next to nothing. and out of these 2 or so groups ive only seen 2 bucks so they'll be a few kicking about next year Your statement there sounds like you have no intention of managing the herd in any sensible way. reducing the number of animals on the estate does not start with killing all the bucks you need to take an honest account of the animals on the ground then formulate a proper cull plan.
  16. Not worth the time and effort no one will pay big money for a trained bitsa even trained pure cockers from established kennels don't make the profit margin that a selling a 8week pup does
  17. Is there such a job?......let me know, i'd like too do that too.... Me too :thumbs:
  18. Its a shame paper cased cartridges are not popular any more at least they rot rather than the bloody plastic cases.
  19. Made the ladder from the dimensions on this site http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~lreed/dimensions.htm it works very well we took over a 1000 last year with it
  20. http://www.staffs-synthetic-stocks.co.uk/
  21. I have had .243/6.5x55/.270/30.06/260rem/.308/.300rum over the last 20 years and in all that time never once have I thought of changing my 25.06 my current 25 has just been rebarreled and is a sako 75 with a stainless shilen match barrel with a 1 in 13.5 turn to match the 85gr bullets I use.All the calibres have good and bad points but the 25 suits my style of shooting some will disagree but it is all personal preference.I might add I have shot with the exception of chinese water deer all the uk species of deer with the 25 and have no doubt in its ability
  22. Comparing having a dog to having a kid is a ridiculous comparison to make.....i would allow 500 dogs to die a painful death to save the life of 1 child,you have to keep it realistic....dogs dont have the value of children so to compare them is pointless. I accept people have children they need help with financially thats acceptable in most cases.....with a dog i dont think it is acceptable,simple. My point was how many people still have kids knowing that they don't have the financial means to support them no money no job lets have a kid and let the state keep us.
  23. Spot on how many could really afford children if it wasn't for family allowance/tax credits ETC good job the NHS is free
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