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Everything posted by danw

  1. danw

    Your Hands!

    All they fancy creams lol plain old lanolin is all you need. If you put cream on your hands overnight it stops air reaching the skin and slows healing
  2. Come on lads get your hands in your pockets The mags where used daily for neigh on 8 years at work hold 10 not 9 don't occasionally stick and the thinking men among you realise that 5 ten shot mags mean one full box of ammo loaded so no faffing about with half full boxes of ammo. £10 each or £30 the lot !!!!! To h4h or julias house children's hospice saves them from the bin P.s if some kind gent or gents do take these I will match any donation that goes to julias house
  3. It's a clever move getting people to take pics truth is they want to asses the hare population but since most townies and frankly many on here don't know the difference twixt a rabbit and hare best include both and sort the pics out when they arrive
  4. I have 4, 10 shot magazines for a 1417 sat on the side I now have no use for them since I changed to the browning I would happily post them out to anyone willing to make a donation to help for Heros or similar charity
  5. All the above is irrelevant no land = no fac And it's Oxfordshire so good luck on that score anyway your first bet is probably a club from memory there is a small bore club in Bicester and a full bore club shoots Otmoor range it's called something like Oxford rifle Association
  6. I bought one secondhand 10 years ago if that helps
  7. Beware of any moisture storing powder and primers they are hygroscopic and will spoil
  8. 2 years prison and unlimited fine for illegally docking plus conviction for cruelty and probable ban on owning animals for life aye seems a good option NOT
  9. The estate is under no obligation to dispose of any part of something you purchased why would they be?
  10. Where do you get that figure from mate a coterminous grant will be £90 and renewal £65
  11. You never know its Easter soon it might be resurrected
  12. If it's just insurance you want then sacs are the cheapest and quite frankly anyone who continues to support basc after the latest lead shot debacle wants to question there priorates
  13. Would really appreciate that link mate
  14. Not if you get paid for the work mate
  15. Quick question mate who do you get your insurance from for these paid jobs? As you can imagine I'm covered by estate PLI but if I go off estate wondered who would be the best insurer
  16. All I'm saying on this debate is you got to love Dorset 2000 .22lr, 2000 .224, 1000 .257, 300 9mm it must be because it is such a distance to the nearest RFD lol
  17. I stopped going to the gun shop or ag merchants in the land rover simply because every time I came out of the shop another flyer or business card would be under the wiper admittedly not from moleys bit from yet another air gunner who is going to cure all my vermin problems
  18. Although the 25 article is mostly concered with medium animals, it does touch on varmints with the 90 grain PHP round. Thank you Walshie. Why would you use a 90 gr. bullet on varmints out of a 25 when 75gr vmax or 85gr nosler varmint bullets are available but then when varmints are considered upto 60kg !!!!I guess you want a bigger bullet,the article states 25 calibre rifles are hard to find yet that is untrue and every mainstream manufacturer chambers for it ammo availability is good I and many others have easily managed high end velocitys (As measured by chronograph) yet this article
  19. GEEK less reading more shooting !!!!! Lol Edited just realised I've all your ammunition lol
  20. If you read the tests Dan, you'll find they're not about ballistic tables but terminal ballistic research as per the web title and so they examine the impact effect of the various weights of bullets within each calibre at various ranges on animals of various sizes including wound channel analysis and killing efficiency (speed of death): So for example for .25-06: Like I said the post was informational not personal opinion....and when I made the one gun fits all reference, I'm was referencing the .22-250's calibres reported efficiency over all usual varmint target distances without an
  21. 2 woodcock I heard eh buddy! Nice going. My first ever shot on a drive also got me a woodcock. Feather in the cap - done! That was my best day, until earlier this week.... 3 Roe, 1 cull Fallow Buck and 2 bloody monster Bucks with matching heads, lol...... Amongst a few varmints too. They stalking lark is piss easy mate lol
  22. And this is exactly my point to say one single rifle is the best is naive to say the least alsones inability to see past ballistic charts is laughable it takes no other factors into account and makes his findings nonsensical real time behind the trigger is where opinion should be based and then when reality hits its damned obvious that no one cartridge is the best it is which one fits within your criteria or more specifically which fits the job/circumstance in hand P,s BH your bias when it comes to the 25 but it sure stopped they beasties didn't it lol
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