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Everything posted by danw

  1. nice but we can't have them, when the 17hmr came out folks tried to get the semi auto version over here (before they stopped selling them in the usa on safety ground's) but the uk legislation is specific to .22 rimfire i.e .22lr and .22 win mag
  2. Think long and hard about this IF the law or guidelines are altered it will give keeper's,landowners and farmers much more leeway to hand out rough justice to anyone they catch on their property.
  3. Interesting study in NZ of the effectiveness of bait for stoats http://www.doc.govt.nz/Documents/science-and-technical/drds262.pdf
  4. neither a nm800 nor nitetec will fit in that since they both have a 25mm tube
  5. Not so long back the farm manager rings and says their's some one lamping the top the estate I jump in the landy and set off up the farm track through the estate, to get to where he described means driving up a steep hill so lights off and away we go about half way up I'm giving it the beans when a light comes towards me at speed turned out it was about 10 mountain bikers down hilling in the dark there was a fair bit of screaming when I flicked the lights on and they realised the truck was there
  6. 2 years back I was driving down the hill towards the estate its pretty steep with a bad corner half way down, I'm in the landy doing about 25 when a middle age wiggins wanabe flys past he gets to the corner too fast, straight across the road and burys him self in the front of a transit he didn't feel a thing but the poor young girl driving the van was distraught we are a way out so it took about 15 mins for the police and ambulance to arrive she just kept saying "it wasn't my fault" well damned right it wasn't, it was the prick in the lycra that has given you nightmares for the next 6 months m
  7. the last time there was this much interest in a new female member it turned out to be subaw
  8. now't worse mate I hate seeing folks twirl the bird round why they can't use a priest or learn to use a flight feather I will never know. same here looks very unprofessional,a friend of mine used to pinch the back of pigeons and they used to drop dead.can you tell us the flight feather method? Yep the way I was taught and use on pheasant is to pull a primary feather then using the sharpish end of the quill push it up from under the birds lower beak through and into its brain cavity its' a lot easier and quicker to do than explain
  9. now't worse mate I hate seeing folks twirl the bird round why they can't use a priest or learn to use a flight feather I will never know.
  10. I use a piece of brass rod about 8" long and 1/2" diamiter makes a good priest and can be used to unblock barrel blockages like stuck wads etc
  11. A certain some one told me your fright of the dark as well
  12. And yet I spend most of my time alone on an estate that is seldom visited by anyone peace and quiet is all around me and it is nothing like the feeling I find in a church like I said don't understand why since I do not have faith nor religion at all
  13. Strange thing really I do not have faith I do not understand it at all but I do know that at times I have sought peace and some where to think clearly and for some reason I find it in a church can't understand it at all but when I sit in the local church I feel totally relaxed and well at peace helps me have clarity of mind yet I don't' pray or worship makes no sense to me
  14. we will never agree on the martin case mate I believe he acted unlawfully and won't change that opinion, so since I'm shooting today I'll bow out the now and agree to differ
  15. How many people have been locked up for shooting or killing an intruder though? been arrested then released with no charge doesn't count and lets be clear even if the law expressly allowed the use of firearms or any lethal force for self defence at home in the event you will still get arrested until the facts are clear tony martin Tony martin had an illegally held firearm so was due jail time any way and he shot the intruder as they fled the house not in the house after he had been intimidated and burgled on numerous occasions by those concerned. put yourself in his position an
  16. How many people have been locked up for shooting or killing an intruder though? been arrested then released with no charge doesn't count and lets be clear even if the law expressly allowed the use of firearms or any lethal force for self defence at home in the event you will still get arrested until the facts are clear It might not count to the stats but in the case of the guy round here who killed the burglar it was still two or three days where he was locked up away from his family at a time where he should have been there for them. Being locked up for even a day is traumatic for nor
  17. How many people have been locked up for shooting or killing an intruder though? been arrested then released with no charge doesn't count and lets be clear even if the law expressly allowed the use of firearms or any lethal force for self defence at home in the event you will still get arrested until the facts are clear tony martin Tony martin had an illegally held firearm so was due jail time any way and he shot the intruder as they fled the house not in the house after he had been intimidated and burgled on numerous occasions by those concerned. put yourself in his position an
  18. How many people have been locked up for shooting or killing an intruder though? been arrested then released with no charge doesn't count and lets be clear even if the law expressly allowed the use of firearms or any lethal force for self defence at home in the event you will still get arrested until the facts are clear tony martin Tony martin had an illegally held firearm so was due jail time any way and he shot the intruder as they fled the house not in the house
  19. How many people have been locked up for shooting or killing an intruder though? been arrested then released with no charge doesn't count and lets be clear even if the law expressly allowed the use of firearms or any lethal force for self defence at home in the event you will still get arrested until the facts are clear
  20. how many nights do people really stay awake worrying about a break in? Well it's not so much that it's more the feeling that you can do something that makes people safe. Down the road from here was a guy who came home one night and there was two robbers in his house. The guy stabbed one of them and was then locked up for 2 days by the police before being released. If you ask me the police need to stop being so dramatic when faced by such an obvious situation like the couple in the Midlands that shot at an intruder, again they were locked up and in the end left the country. People j
  21. how many nights do people really stay awake worrying about a break in?
  22. the next question has to be if you arm the populous do you arm the police
  23. And herein lies the problem with this country. Before the ban on hand guns not everyone wanted one and not everyone owned one. And 99.99999 of the people who owned one did so for a genuine reason. For policical reasons the goverment of the day decided that this was a chance to exercise more control over the populace and on the pretext of saving lives banned the guns. The actual statistic are there for everyone to see. Q. Did it stop guns falling into the arms of criminals? An no. Q. Has it reduced gun crime? An. no. A totally ineffectual piece of legistation that has no value other than ke
  24. that only works out at about 3.5 birds per acre its a lot of birds but sounds like they had plenty of room mate
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