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Everything posted by danw

  1. Any payment will void your insurance with the basc.
  2. Dan, there has been more astute pillars of the community been banned on here for less
  3. whats the point in banning kitsune this is a public forum the boards can be read regardless of being banned or no or is it simply that the members can't be trusted to give sensible answers or replys to an anti's questions?
  4. Nothing would please me more than removing the general public's access to the countryside during the foot and mouth outbreaks it was startling just how many ignorant twats continued to try and use the footpaths even though we where under quarantine.
  5. If they where that unsuccessful at shooting them what chance a 100% coverage with vaccine? any one who manages wildlife knows that a cull takes time even with everything in your favour and I firmly believe the lads on the badger culls did so with their arms tied so its no surprise the figures don't add up Imho the people on the ground who have to live with the challenge of BTB are best placed to make the decision as to how to protect their herd it is after all in their interest to come to the best solution.
  6. IMO it's gone to far now. Problem is now there that many prick buy a pair willies and go out once a year a walk. Think they know every thing bout everything in the countryside. I see it round my local woods. No one was interested in the place when I was a kid it really was a natural beauty. Now the place is ruined. I see it on here.
  7. All those certificates do is offset liability it takes the responsibility from my employer and places it firmly at my feet he has a get out clause he will just default to the party line of the employee failed to work within the safe working procedures he was trained to use therefore any accident or injury is the employee's fault.
  8. I know exactly how you feel I am experiencing similar training certification in my line of work but if you dont paper chase your out of a job its all gone daft ,like I said if you dont have the necessary paperwork and rebel against the system it you yourself that suffers. Thats exactly right without those certs I loose my job and probably to a lad just out of sparshalt with a pile of certificates and doesn't know a pheasants head from its arse
  9. Lets get this in perspective I have used chain saws since the age of 13 I was trained by my grandfather whom had 41 years experience as head forester, since a health and safety review this year I have had to take my chainsaw cert, despite using quads for more years than I care to count and covering over 8000miles a year on them now I must take a cert and a brush cutter cert and first aid and renew my counter balance cert and my telehandler cert expires next year and I have to do a manual handling course I bet thats not the end of it either do I want to do any of them well hell no but there it
  10. Foxdropper I'm pretty sure if the basc and the bds decided to suggest to the government the Dsc become compulsory it will no mater how much people piss and moan and for sure I don't trust either of them not too make that suggestion.There are lots of "Old Guard" in the bds that would like stalking to be somewhat more elitist than it currently is.
  11. Personally I found the dsc wasn't in depth enough, the reality was we where been taught the minimum required to "pass" the test I felt the course was over subscribed didn't address individuals previous experience and or weaknesses of knowledge and the marksmanship/safety test was a sham Infact I was asked to leave the firing point and made to feel rather foolish by the RO when I raised concerns that the pupil next to me may have plugged their barrel with snow the RO didn't even want to prove the rifle was clear even when I insisted I did however feel vindicated when it transpired he had Thoug
  12. Reading some of the threads on here and seeing the conditions imposed is a real eye opener If you consider europe and how many countries expect a hunting exam/test then since we have some of the most stringent firearms law it will come as no real surprise and probably only a mater of time before it's mandatory for all calibers in the UK
  13. Unfortunately mate the Dsc is now being seen as a means to an end, a quick fix to gain a variation.Personally I believe in the mentor system for all calibers, as you know I have mentored a number of stalkers and take the responsibility of such an undertaking very seriously It takes far more than what the Dsc can teach to get me to sign off a candidate but here is the problem how do you prove the mentor and candidate have actually done the work the system is so open to abuse that it is practically worthless and that is why the Dsc is a popular choice with firearms depts it is proof that you act
  14. Caprelous how will the new rules affect visitors to scotland in particular foreign stalkers?
  15. You will have to get over your phobias of pieces of paper and snobs . Cheers Stu You obviously have a passion for the game as do i .Does it not sit well with you that folk can get into stalking within a year .Be free to carry a rifle and make decisions all based on a few hours spent in the field .Phobias are for weirdos ,not level headed folk like me but passion is another thing altogether. Fd just to play devils advocate but the bit in red is just about as condescending as what caprelous wrote, I am sure you have witnessed as have I very poor management practices,poor shot plac
  16. They pics don't do him justice at all ray he is a stunning animal and a real credit to you I would be proud to have a dog like buck in my kennel Enjoyed the company tonight shame the weather wasn't better, bloody fog hope to see you back down here soon
  17. Interesting to note that in 2013 there where 171 recorded offences in Scotland committed with airguns yet only in that time only 15 crimes where recorded against bop they puffgunners need to get their own house in order before worrying about anyone else.
  18. Not being funny, this thread along wth your other one about killing everything in sight makes me think you see the countryside as nothing more than your playground to nip off into now and again to pop a few rabbits with the air gun.. People have to make a living off it, and that includes keeping pest numbers down and protecting investments. It inevitably means killing things. The countryside you know and enjoy is the way it is because of the way it's been managed, it's been the same for hundreds of years. Bear that in mind before having a pop at the people who manage the land, without them you
  19. did you see this video on your link mate!!!! http://www.theguardian.com/science/video/2014/jan/16/head-mounted-cameras-falcons-killer-strategy-video Now that I like
  20. interestingly the rspb claim there are NO sporting estates in the area those twats jumping to conclusions should have all the facts first "Etheridge said the RSPB was also very puzzled about the likely identity of the perpetrators as there were no sporting estates in the immediate area. Farmers are far less likely to target birds of prey than owners of grouse moors; red kites are scavengers not known for attacking lambs or other livestock." http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/apr/03/scottish-birtd-of-prey-colony-mass-poisonings
  21. looking forward too seeing him in the flesh ray in they pics he looks shorter in the back than I imagined he would be?
  22. was thinking that to mate lol wonder what pups would be like putting him on a proper bred shepard bitch..... He is looking well ray mate, glad your happy with him..... Why would you there are still plenty of proper straight backed properly conformed and tempered shepherds out there for those that care to look?
  23. Saw a bloke up the sgc a couple of weeks ago buy a double turn pm2 schmidt best part of 3k to go on a puffgun
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