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Everything posted by danw

  1. "There is none so blind as those that won't see".(you mean as blind as the kids in dunblane) as for the poll tax you reckon instead of the rioting all over the citys of england when it was introduced,we should have taken up arms against the goverment?you should move to america mate you will fit in great there.i dont see many gangsters walking into schools or resturants or malls randomly shooting ppl with the guns.yes guns are out there but we need to get them off the streets not make more readily available.as i said f**k your civil rights if it stops another dunblane or hungerford.yours an
  2. THE ISSUE FOR ME IS NOT ABOUT GUNS BUT ABOUT ALL OF OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS BEEN REMOVED BY OUR DICTATORIAL GOVERNMENT!!! There is none so blind as those that won't see. The law does not apply to the lawless they already have the type of guns you mention. Where you all happy when the majority voted for a ban on hunting then? Have we all forgotten how when the public rose up and demonstrated against the poll tax how we won? Scothunter look back through history there are many instances of the public taking up arms against the government in fact you talk of one. The anti-tr
  3. Best practice = do as I say not as I do. I have found most discussions about shot placement on this site to be somewhat hypocritical.
  4. The line has already been drawn by our bill of rights and our constitution interestingly you claim that it is our American cousins who are ruled by an "invisible magic man" yet our constitution states ,the Sovereign swears an oath to "maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England" I will say this once more for the deaf THE ISSUE FOR ME IS NOT ABOUT GUNS BUT ABOUT ALL OF OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS BEEN REMOVED BY OUR DICTATORIAL GOVERNMENT!!! And as for guns not worki
  5. In a civilized world you might just be right but we are far from living in that Utopian society that you so crave. what we are heading to though is a society where the government makes all our choices,treats us like children and would rather see us sat in a eating our meat free subsistence with a plastic knife and fork. AS I have said before (and I am not sure you read my posts fully Blan)the issue for me is not one of guns but of a much bigger problem and that is the continual removal of my rights by the goverment perhaps you are too blinded by the spin and brainwashing that the media forc
  6. In 1996 Horrett campbell attacked 3 kids and 4 school teachers with a machete yet these kind of knives are still available to buy. Any body who is deranged enough to want to hurt people will do so no mater what implement is available to them. I firmly believe that the gun laws should be changed in Britain they should be made much tighter not in the respect of what type of gun should be available (the type of gun you own is irrelevant if you are deemed fit to posses firearms) but who should be allowed to access them formal training should be mandatory, mental health checks be part of the li
  7. I presume then that because Harold Shipman killed hundreds of his patients whilst working as a GP we should ban doctors?why not ban cigarettes how many die each year because of them or maybe cars should go as well
  8. Why is it that when SGS mentions the right to carry concealed weapons someone trots up with the same shite about massacres all of these hideous crimes take place in areas that the gunmen know ccw is banned such as schools and malls why the feck is that? it is so no one shots them while they commit mass murder massacres just don't occur where ccw is allowed.As for Dunblane the plod where well aware that Hamilton was a peado yet he kept his guns despite his gun club telling the plod he was not suitable to own guns,Why where the files given a 100 year secrecy order it was because it was the plods
  9. I don't care who shoots what where it is up to your conscience but I do wonder if there is a difference in the quality of the meat between a head shot deer which is bled properly and one which is heart/lung shot and then runs 50 yards producing lactic acid in the muscles which will be working anaerobically and also the animal will be producing adrenalin in massive quantities both of these do taint the quality of the meat.
  10. danw


    Mr Rhodes, who runs Aakschipper Gallery, said he believes the dart is a bolt from a crossbow – and he was concerned the attacks could result in an increase of violence in the town. ‘My main worry is that there is someone walking the streets of Scarborough with a crossbow and shooting at birds,’ he said. ‘If they are shooting at gulls in the sky and miss, the bolts have to go somewhere and could take someone's eye out. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1277565/Miracle-seagull-shot-attackers-SURVIVES-despite-having-dart-lodged-head.html#ixzz0njg6vKpa The goo
  11. and new labour did importing cheap labour to do all the working class jobs , repealing the flying picket laws , getting shut of the house of lords yeh didnt they do us working classes proud eh sold off all are gold reserves , sighned away are rights to the eu good foooooking buy blair brown and the rest of them How did they import cheap labour?? when it was new labour who feched in the minimum wage, nothing any party can do about people coming in from EU, Ted Heath took the uk into the EU (A tory). at no p
  12. I am glad that most of you can't carry firearms on a daily basis and I believe that there will only ever be harsher law regarding firearms ownership but as I said the right to defend yourself has nothing to do with guns if some one breaks into my house I expect the law to be on my side and I expect to be able to defend my family in any way I see fit I do not intend being a victim and nor do I wish to be the aggressor but if some one decides to forcibly take my family's rights then they should expect that I will put up a fight be it with a my hands,a knife,a gun or whatever is available and I s
  13. If you don't want a gun of a particular type that is your choice but who are you to say I shouldn't? I guess the thing most miss on this thread is that it is all about freedom and has absolutely nothing to do with guns. The freedom to choose is the biggest factor in a democracy but in this country our choices are made for us by self serving politicians who are driven by greed rather than public will. we are fed lies and the truth is spun to serve their particular need at the time. Where do you think the repeal of hunting fits into the libdems idea of a coalition?we are about to be Shafted o
  14. If the government had not opened our borders to every terrorist and criminal in the world then I would not feel that I am unsafe in my own home and we are now looking at a coalition government who feel that an amnesty on all illegal immigrants is the way forward if this happens the next time a major terrorist act is committed the terrorists will do so with British citizenship and a UK passport. How Proud We Should All Be
  15. Attack fell terrier you are so right you don't need to arm your self all you need to do is read some of the threads on here and all the big men will tell you how to sort some one with a gun if I remember right one lad reckoned he would shoot the gun man in the teeth with his catapult
  16. The Bill of rights 1689 gave all British subjects the right to have arms for defense but the truth is that we have allowed the government to illegally remove this right from us yet again we have had our rights eroded by the self serving greed driven politicians they impose their political will on us and we get no say in the mater I mean how long have we had a prime minister who was unelected how is that democracy and now the farce continues with a con/libdem coalition our vote counts for nothing we have been enslaved by the government all because we are apathetic to the erosion of our rights w
  17. according to Wikipedia devil dogs are us marines
  18. You can also buy pistols for humane dispatch fella if you can prove you have good reason to own. you can have a section 5 firearm providing it has something unique about it, i.e it was 1 of 10 ever made, or was owned by william of the great north sea (you get my point) but it then becomes a 7.3 firearm and must be stored in a heritige gun club and only accessable on heratige nights, you also cant pick it up from a shop yourself, someone whos a section 5 RFD must do this. not sure on the aplication to get a 7.3 pistol so someone else might have to speek about that. or you can get a
  19. I have the DSC1 I took it to add to my cv and also to get my large game handling number as a keeper and stalker I have to take out clients on a daily basis and for once I agree with John training is a must some of the so called stalkers I have to take out are at best incompetent and at worst bloody dangerous I am all for beginners being trained but I also believe that a system where competent stalkers with a number of years experience could claim granddad rights and wouldn't need to sit a test perhaps a letter from an employer or land owner and the candidates firearms history (years you have o
  20. amoxypen injection if you can get it or any broad spectrum antibiotic,Keep the infected dog isolated if you can
  21. That is so true mate the last litter of cockers I bred I kept 2 and gave 3 of the others to mates all they paid was for the dock/dew and kc reg nowt else advertised the other and I had some woman ring up and tell me I should sell the bitch to her cause she wanted to breed more cockerxpoodles cause she could sell them for £1000 and mine was the cheapest cocker bitch she could find for sale(£250 reg/dewed and docked) she got told to f**k off would your mates have had the pups if they had to pay the full price Only bred her cause I wanted pups as 2 of mine are due retirement and my m
  22. That is so true mate the last litter of cockers I bred I kept 2 and gave 3 of the others to mates all they paid was for the dock/dew and kc reg nowt else advertised the other and I had some woman ring up and tell me I should sell the bitch to her cause she wanted to breed more cockerxpoodles cause she could sell them for £1000 and mine was the cheapest cocker bitch she could find for sale(£250 reg/dewed and docked) she got told to f**k off
  23. dunno if ur thick or [bANNED TEXT] ? he's not my dog Given the amount of banned text in both of your posts I suspect that it is you that is thick,Anyway with an attitude such as yours and your complete inability to spot humor I would think you have to eat of lot of shit. :wankerzo4:
  24. Best advice is don't let him lick you
  25. I think it all depends on if you are chasing a screamer on the range or are happy with 1/2"groups for a hunting rifle where first shot cold bore accuracy is needed then I don't think you gain anything from lugging a 16lb rifle around . However if static sniping at range is your poison then a heavy barrel and action may gain you the edge.
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