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Everything posted by andy_browning

  1. sorry mate the dog in ur 1st pic, stunnin animal
  2. that sal dog is in tip top nick pal credit 2 u!!!
  3. 1 small litter 2 jills 2hobs keeping 1 back rest got homes ready,ova moon
  4. absolute stunning bitch credit to owner and breed tht bitch
  5. if this dunt explain it then nothin is gunna!!!!!
  6. dont it just the little feks its a love hate relationship !!!!!
  7. friday morning farmer askd if i would go take a look at his 90 acre rape field , early next morning of i went and the field wa lifting with pidgeons been back every moring since watchin flight paths and hot spots, today i new i had a full free day so off i went before light got all set up evrything was set for a good days sport!! the SUN yea the sun lol crept up i was thinking what a great morning im gunna bag up here!!!! how i was wrong before i new it was half past 8 i hadnt sin a feather let alone a pidgeon, i learnt 2 things AGAIN lol never count your chickens before theyve hatched and eve
  8. ha ha bet that got a few funny looks
  9. does anybody work this cross good points bad points, picks be gud nice tu hear sum of ur lads/lasses thorts
  10. gessin ur on abowt standard not toy lol meant to of originated in france as gundog popular on water retreives but at a guess ud be hard pushed to get owt wi workin lines thru it sure sum1 will sumwher like
  11. did that rong i totaly agree lngdog thts alwayz bin my understandin
  12. Stick to the smaller sets this season as just gaining experience for you and the ferret, and I usually find that by next season the young ferret's come on 100% in ther second and just keep getting betta,i kept back 2 polecat jills this year and looking promising but alwayz take atleast 1 experienced jill along, usally ther mother! good luck
  13. Is a 1st Cross whippet, bedlington terrier an ideal dog for lamping? I have had a whippet and she was a great ferreting dog, and good on lamp she is now retired and I was wondering if a whippet x bedlington would have the same speed? I have thought about getting a lurcher because they are a hardier breed than a whippet. Any information you have on using whippet cross bedlington's as ferreting and lamping (especially lamping) dogs would be greatly appreciated, as I have trawled the internet and I am unable to find any info! Thanks
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