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Everything posted by shaunovderby

  1. View Advert Bsa r10 se 1.77 Good scopes with it pellets n filling adapter Advertiser shaunovderby Date 29/05/19 Price £600.00 Category Airguns  
  2. View Advert Rapid 7 Rapid 7 with divers bottle Scopes are Simmons classics 10 x 50 Advertiser shaunovderby Date 29/05/19 Price £650.00 Category Airguns  
  3. Never ran a bitch before braking down ect am not use too I am swaying to the dog for that reason only ATM
  4. Collected my pups put gaffer Thursday and I drawn between these to which one to keep merles a bitch black ones a dog both pups are full of them selves keeping them back till around 10/12 week before I choose .
  5. Here's me dads dog pup exactly same way bred [/url]
  6. They've all made nice solid pups mate it's hard to see how there throwing towards jst yet few more weeks and she'd see the differences in builds n looks a bit more iv dropped the lad off sum venison and sum rabbits this week and he's started them on it now il get a pic up later of me dads dog which is same way bred as this litter he's gaffer x Merle bitches litter sister
  7. Gaffer jst over 26tts and dams 23 1/2 tts
  8. These 5 are spare out of 10 pups will b 4weeks old on Friday coming on loverly 4 black bitches and brindle ones the dog [/url] [/url] [/url] [/url] [/url] [/url] x [/url] Merle bitch the dam coliegrey x saluki grey / x 5/8 3/8 bull grey Gaffer is colliegrey x saluki grey / x collie whipet grey x bull grey
  9. Loverly pup him u doing nice job of rearing him credit to ye
  10. Sire is 26 tts bitch is about 24 1/2
  11. Hope they get em bk sum scum out there
  12. Had a mate bring his bitch round to line her with gaffer , these are cousins should make sum handy pups these , bitch is snipe x 5/8 3/8 bull Meg and gaffer is jed snipes brother x Colin whippet grey , bull grey So any lads be interested in pup there will be sum available if she takes My pup out of gaffer very pleased with him so far
  13. Lad near me is selling a pup out of gaffer x Annie she a little loverly pup which will be 6 month old on the 10 th this month he's done nothing with her bar walk her he's moving house and Carnt take her with him , as he's mad on terriers n only got room for them were he's going , she unspoilt iv seen this bitch couple times since he took her she's got a cracking coat on her and good feet . Had all jabs Pm if any one interested £150
  14. Lad near me is selling a pup out of gaffer x Annie she a little loverly pup which will be 6 month old on the 10 th this month he's done nothing with her bar walk her he's moving house and Carnt take her with him , as he's mad on terriers n only got room for them were he's going , she unspoilt iv seen this bitch couple times since he took her she's got a cracking coat on her and good feet . Had all jabs Pm if any one interested
  15. All you can dog is put to well bred working dogs together and hope for the best lol iv put a lot of time into this pup I'd be happy if he was as good as gaffer and be a real bonus if he's better but he's got a lot to do to be as good as gaffer . Cheers for comments lads
  16. Annie x gaffer Pups getting bit of wind to him now and finding his feet his retrieving is spot on and don't mind feather in his mouth either , going to give him a rabbit or to January / Feb Carnt wait to get him started just waiting game now . 23 tts 5 and Alf month
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