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Everything posted by chrisboi

  1. i was just wondering.i was out walking my dogs the other day and a bloke said it works as he uses it on hes dogs..
  2. if you cook them is it ok for the dogs to eat??
  3. is it true if you cut up rabbit fur and boil it,it works as a wormer???
  4. nice looking dogs there mate.what cross is the first dog?? atb
  5. cheers for the comment.the brindle one have got big feet.
  6. few pictures of my dogs and my new one. just wondering if anyone knows what hes is crossed with, i think he might be salukixgreyhound.(brindle one) both rescued dogs.
  7. was ment to go on photo action page......
  8. Do you have to freeze the rabbit before cooking it for the dog??
  9. where abouts are you in the south east mate??
  10. dont know whats in him.maybe collie/saluki
  11. the second picture was only taking the other day. where do u measure the height from mate??
  12. lol.the pictures of a old phone.
  13. hes around 2 years old..hes got a fury tail which makes me thing hes got a bit of saluki in him.
  14. just wondering mate,whats the breed of this dog?? atb
  15. I was just wondering when does the ferreting season end???
  16. Whats the best purse nets to get for £20??? (set of 10)
  17. for some reason it wont let me upload my pictures. how do i change the size of the pictures????
  18. saluki/greyhound i think. sorry it wont let me upload the picture..
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