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Everything posted by RSWO

  1. Would It be right to say that anti clockwise is normally up?
  2. Would It be right to say that anti clockwise is normally up?
  3. Would It be right to say that anti clockwise is normally up?
  4. Thanks is what I thought however the more I thought about it the more my head hurt lol I believe h is up and t is down remembered by H for head and T for toes
  5. Im having a blonde moment. Shot landing 3cm low and 3 cm left of bull at 100m should I therefore be moving the cross hairs down and left or right and up clicks? Good start to 2012 brain turned to mince! Second question- I've got a Schmidt and bender is H up and T down? Thanks Rswo
  6. Just had an outstanding two day stalking red. Managed to get 3 stags over the 2 days. pictures below: MY FIRST ON DAY ONE ABOVE LOTS OF RED ABOVE
  7. Thanks mate, have you heard from Jason?
  8. Hello everyone, I had my first day out on the Pentlands on Tuesday and bagged two grouse (virginity broke). It was a perfect day and we had a great turnout, however the bag was small. Need to take the camera next time . Going out on Friday and Saturday with my new syndicate to recce the Red on our permission near Loch Earn (First time out for me). One of the other lads reported a 250 + headcount last week . Hoping to get my new Tikka T3 zeroed and get my first chance at a Red. I think its going to be a good first season rswo
  9. Will give u a shout if im going after the 1st. Im now down working in Ayr Monday - Friday. If your going out after work or at night through the week give me a shout. RSWO
  10. should have it next week. how are thing going are u set for the season?. Ive got some stalking permission now. cost a good few quid however it gets me started and out.
  11. Wanted Tikka T3 .243 prefer with moderator. Regards, RSWO
  12. looking at these Bushnell Legend Ultra HD Binoculars. got a friend in US at the moment and he can get 8x42 or 10x42 $300 (£200ish)
  13. What is the thoughts on bino's 8x42 or 10x42 pro's and con's pse THANKS RSWO
  14. Just got a new English Springer puppy (Tara) to day and was wanting to start using a few simple commands that I can carry on throughout her training. Seen lots of threads on voice, hand and whistle commands and was trying to find out what is the best mix and when should I start on different commands. All help would be welcome, i do relise that this is going to be a long process and it will take alot of practice and time and that I shouldn't expect miricles over night however just want to start off on the right foot. Thanks, RSWO
  15. yes still for sale What is the best price and why you re-homing? Can you confirm he is KC registered? Could get through tomorrow. can u pm me and I will send you my telephone number
  16. still interested if the dog is still needing re-homed RSWO
  17. is the dog still for re-homing?
  18. Off work next week and looking for a day out helping out on a stalk or any other shot. Will pick, carry, load ect etc. Im in the Central Belt Scotland therefore looking for anything upto a hr and half drive. Doing my Level 1 at the end of March and just trying to gain a bit of experence, keen to learn. Thanks, RSWO
  19. They also say that you will be lucky to get a 30-40% return. Hats off to the gamekeepers, as it doesnt sound to be a easy job and there is a lot of thing that can go wrong. Good luck to u RSWO
  20. Found a couple of site that say "Size the pheasant pen for chicks that are 4 to 5 weeks of age. They require 25 square feet of pen space per bird for proper flying. Building a bigger pheasant pen is better than building one too small" seems a bit big however I dont know a lot about it. My link My link hope this helps RSWO
  21. agree however my point was that there cant be many assessors due to the requirement for them to have so many expensive quals. just seems to be a bit heavy on the quals considering the through-put of students. RSWO
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