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dublin dezzy

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Everything posted by dublin dezzy

  1. well done,good bag,nice dog...All the best
  2. multiply the lenght of the floor x wide,divide your answer by 9 you have your sq. yardidge,should tell you on the box what yardidge is in a box.
  3. I've got to say... I was ferreting today on the dark side of the pennines and the folk are the most hospitable people you can find.....in my opinion! worked with some yorkshire lads,very decent blokes
  4. cracking looking bitch cracking worker aswell
  5. try saying that to the dog.....he would never forgive you
  6. maybe not but its the truth too few good wheatens about an thats fact how the fcuk do you know whats around old timer,not everyone who uses wheatens(hope thats spelt right for all the fooking experts)is on this site,have you been to ireland ?do you know lads that breed them?few good wheatens about,try lookin outside your hall door.
  7. two tooth meg,still working hard!no bother to her
  8. A swift left foot up the hole never fails for me
  9. well done DD,good to see lads getting results keep at them
  10. put to sleep are u fnucking joking give it to somebody i would love to put u to sleep u horrible cnut its all about standards,cant knock the man if he culls hard,i am not in a position to do the same but wont suffer a cnut of a thing either.fair fookin play to him,should be more like that,less dirt around gettin passed from pillar to post
  11. there is no sport in catching mixi rabs,you are better killing the mixi ones,to give the healthy ones a better chance of survival and not catching mixi,if the mixi reproduce the chances of survival are very slim i wasnt suggesting catching mixi rabbits was sport, if they have healthy babies that will be healthy next winter to catch surely that is better than catching and killing every rabbit in the district with mixi, then you deffo have no chance of repoplulation the chances of mixi reproducing and the young to grow up healthy are very slim,so it is better to kill as much mixi as possib
  12. there is no sport in catching mixi rabs,you are better killing the mixi ones,to give the healthy ones a better chance of survival and not catching mixi,if the mixi reproduce the chances of survival are very slim
  13. great for a young dogs confidence catchin the mixis,but a fecking horrible to see them.hasnt been bad around are way,most where killed off early in the season
  14. good stuff brog,yous are flying this season
  15. i am sure that question is aimed at the thread put up this morning,so i will try answer your question this is a hunting site,which like minded people share there days/nights out,we went out last night to check some new permission which we where lucky enough to catch a fox considering the conditions,now there is no ban over here REPUBLIC OF IRELAND so the pics where put up,no big deal,didnt think there would be a problem seen this is a hunting site.if anyone is offended press the report button and give your reasons to a mod or whoever.
  16. another fookin smart arse,the blood is from the fox
  17. :thumbs:looking forward the weekend should get a couple of handy digs there
  18. Good topic,we all have different ideas about bringing on terriers,many factors to consider, breeding, age,dogs temprament,everyone should know when there dog is ready,after rearing the dog to the best of your knowledge/ability and it does not work out,,, there is nothing worse,how many times do you keep trying the same dog,other things to consider when bringing on a pup are what it does when in the ground, thats if it does go..is it sounding away then coming out after x amount of time etc etc,so my answer to your question is,its down to the man who owns the dog to make that decision.unless you
  19. can understand giving the dog chance after chance if its your only dog,i for one certainly wouldnt be wasting my time with a dog like that,theres enough dogs there to be worked,time will tell,all the best with him
  20. see what happens next time your out,does it again the choice is yours but i know what i would do,or keep him on leed and bring him to the earth.
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