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Everything posted by taff57

  1. sorry to hear about that. ATB in the future. RIP jess
  2. nice dogs you have there.especially the dark one atb
  3. thanks very much for thge help
  4. hope everything goes ok for you mate ATB
  5. sorry to hear about that i hope you catch the mink.RIP
  6. hi all can anybody tell me how i put a profile pic up plz atb happy hunting
  7. hi and welcome :welcomeani:
  8. nice ferret. i got one of those as well good little worker aswell nice pic
  9. i will have to ask him next time thnz for the comment
  10. thnz and yer i will next time atb
  11. i decided to go out with the lamp tonight so i phoned my friend and he sed he would come.so i went up to his house and we headed up to a farm just above my house.i opened the gate and shone the light in the first feild and there was a fox so i turned the light off.i walked down just out of the field and rang my dad to bring his gun up as i am 14 and not old enought to shoot.my dad came up and luckly the fox was still there so we got in the field and my dad led down and shot it stone dead.we went up and got the fox and it was a dog fox. thanks for reading atb
  12. cant stand people like tha mate they should but their own dogs hope u get them bk
  13. helo everyone im new to this and love ferreting and going out with the beagles

  14. real good bag there mate. had a good day by looks of things
  15. hi.thanks for the welcome
  16. hi mate some really good photo's. looks like u had a really good day . nice looking lurchers aswell
  17. hello. im new to today im taff57 i enjoy ferreting and just thought i would say hello
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