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Everything posted by taff57

  1. nice shooting,one more less anyway.
  2. i dont understand why people are so cruel. how the hell can they do it its just sick and they must be sick in the head i hate people like that sick twats
  3. went out ferreting today.got to thr farm about 9:30 and set off to the fist bury.the dog run over to a pile of tin sheeting and started digging and barking so we pulled the tin sheeting away and there was hole there.we cleared all the holes off and nettede them up.dropped the ferret in and out come the first rabbit.moved on up throught the forest and dogs markd another 2 burys.so we cleared those off and netted.dropped the ferret in and after a quite a long wait out comes the rabbit.we done the other bury that the dogs marked and had another one.thats 3 in he bag.we carried on walking through
  4. i manged to get out but we had quite a bit of snow it started snowing 3 o clock this morning and didnt stop until half past nine.
  5. sounds like you didnt have a bad day apart from the snow then i went out and only had one
  6. i think you done the right thing and glad you give her a good pastin there is nothing wrong with hunting everyone in my school knows that i like going out hunting and they dont say anything just done letanyone make you change your mind atb and happt hunting
  7. taff57


    no a bad game i played on it for 1o minutes
  8. i think people would be more interested if you put some pictures on here mate
  9. nice few rabbits and some cracking pictures atb
  10. thanks for the comment pleae keep them coming atb
  11. sorry abouth that mate hope you get it back theifing twats what they are.
  12. cracking looking dog you got there mate hope it does what you want it for
  13. went out lamping lastnight with my mate lurcherboii14 and his dog. she had a run and missed it as the rabbit run straight in to the hedge.she had another run and missed it but we went in to another feild and there was a rabbit in the middle of the feild so we slipped the dog and the dog had a good run and caught it and retrieved it. nice little rabbit.heres 2 pics. sorry that you cant see it vey well my camera is sh#t just thought i would put them on . ATB
  14. i use a red filter and i find they work very well especially with the rabbits.
  15. i think more people should join its a good site .
  16. going to try again tommorrow night hopefully have a bit more luck
  17. and get a red filter for the lamp . i find the rabbits hold alot longer.
  18. taff57


    feifing twats waht they are as said you can get them for free aroung here now days. just cant b bothered to raie them up and learn them to hunt themselves. lazy no gooders hope he gets them back
  19. went out lamping tonight with my mate. seen a few rabbits in the local area not many but around about 8. only mangaged to slip it on 2 though and unfotuantly didnt catch. heres some pictures sorry about the pictures being blurry. atb
  20. hi mate how is it that when i look on hunting forums on your site that nobody has wrote on them? is it because nobody have wrote on there or is there something i am doing wrong atb
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