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Everything posted by ecostorm

  1. Whats the point in selling stuff if you never reply to any p.m's charlie
  2. Very nice looking dogs mate, where abouts ya from?
  3. Hello and welcome buddy, happy hunting!
  4. That explains it all, then. LOL Sort yourself out, The lad's trying to sell his gun! Everybody knows what it is, so get your money out and buy it instead of bitching him.
  5. Hello again. I'm very sorry if i upset anybody the other day, but it's my opinion and will apologise and accept full responsibility for any offense caused, still stand by my belief that plummers should'nt be crossed as it is what it is!
  6. Off to the shop for ma weekly.

  7. Come on then, tell me if you've ever read the biology of the breed plummer? ye! some people dont like them but i think they are mustard. Plummer has recently been passed as a purebred just like the parson russell, also there are five f*****g breeds in the plummer mate! Listen, it's not the breed it's what you put into the dog at the end of the day.
  8. Sorry buddy, but am in a bad mood at this moment in time, so slate me if you want because i dont give a shit! D.B PLUMMER would be turning over in his grave for this shitty hybid breed you want to f*****g call it. Also just to put you straight, you have also just implied that both breed's obviously cant be as good as you're silly, stupid peddling piece of Xbreed. SORRY BUT THIS IS MY OPINION AND THIS IS AN OPEN FORUM SO f**k YOU! THEYRE BOTH GOOD BREED'S AND THIS DOES'NT NEED TO HAPPEN! BAD, BAD MOOD!
  9. Hi there, Which one is it buddy, the rechargable-red-amber or white, also what exactly have you got for it and is there any pics?
  10. Just got back from broughton game show, top day for the JRT with two rosettes.

  11. At a loose end again!

  12. Hello and welcome buddy.
  13. :welcomeani: luke, and the answer to your question is....... start a new topic in the shooting section and you will get load's of response buddy
  14. I've got a deerhound/collie called alfie, he is 10 month old now, and your dog looks like he was when he were younger. The only differance is the beddy colour, look's and coat is the only resembalance. Nice looking dog tho!
  15. I have the Mk1 8ft with the single battery micro collar's and seem to be using the AG5/398A, what's the differance between the LR44/AG13, wullieh? If you dont mind me asking!
  16. Just to let you know ferrety-f, i have four ferrets, two hobs that were paid for through a rescue centre (could of bought some cheaper else were) but didn't! Also two jill's from a local lad. I have never lost a ferret and if i found one and nobody claimed it then i would give it to someone on THL who would have lost one similar, so i'm gunna apologise for any untoward upset caused. ATB Ecostorm....
  17. Very understandable buddy, but until the situation has been looked at then we can all make a better decision..... I ain't causing any problems as this is a delicate situation that need's everybody's opinion.
  18. Hi Guys, I have a set of 4 vauxhall corsa c tailored floor mats which are pretty new, also a pair of roof bars which have only been used once just to get me some ladders home and i have also got a new witter tow bar and subframe with fittings the bar had only been on the car for 3 months and used twice. I removed these from my car before getting rid, all accessories are in excellent condition. I may consider selling seperate,part ex and swap, also open to good offer's. Ecostorm.... SOLD, SOLD, SOLD, SOLD, SOLD, SOLD
  19. I'm a pest controller and if it's a problem that need's sorting then it shall be done. Sorry guys!
  20. Hello there and welcome, If the gun shoot's stright at 30 meters then you could also compare the power of it with a frirnds gun that is pretty new by shooting at an argos catalogue and counting the pages the pellet goes through, try it and let me know! Also it will save you some cash.... Ecostorm.
  21. Hi there and :welcomeani:
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