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Rod W

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Everything posted by Rod W

  1. Matt, Shipping of the Easy Pluck to the UK is $25 US, the Easy Pluck C/P is twice as heavy, therefore shipping is $49.35 US. At these rather high shipping costs, do you think there still may be a market in the UK for these? I have researched the various pluckers extensively AND there is nothing like this available ANYWHERE in the world, and these pluckers are the least expensive by FAR!!! The Bingham plucker, made in the UK, does appear to be the Best of the Best but looks like it may be for the Commercial operations. Thank You, ROD
  2. DUCK PLUCKER "GIVEAWAY" On June 7, I will draw names from the members that reply to this topic or the one in Rimfire-Centerfire-Shotguns, This is where I should have posted to begin with possibly!! I make up and sell over the internet Custom Made duck pluckers called the Easy Pluck, please watch as I pluck a duck in my LIVINGROOM at http://www.pluckwitheasypluck.com I apologize for posting all over but I don't see many respondants and this is,--- truly--- a fantastic offer. I just shipped one out yesterday, that will end up in New Zealand!! I shipped out my first plucker July 31,09 to a
  3. Hello Rod. Very good offer you are giving here, better still is how simple an idea it seams. if you scold the birds first does it mean you better wear a waterproof suit or would a good leg swing of the bird draw enough water off to allow for am easy pluck. all the best Phil,With the Easy Pluck we pluck our ducks "Dry", the short, hard fingers do not "pull" wet feathers very good, even if the ducks are extremely wet, we must let the feathers dry,(Please see my plucking instructions and Reviews)--- I am currently working on The Easy Pluck C/P, Chicken/Pheasant that
  4. Yes indeed, patdahat,We agree wholeheartedly on the "Nicer" meat, plucked versus breasted. My very faavorite part of any duck(The very first thing that I eat, the thighs and the legs) which end up in some ditch somewhere otherwise!! Thanks for the comments, ROD
  5. Yes, patdahat, We agree on the "Nicer" meat part of plucking ducks versus breasting, juicier, more flavorful and the very best parts of the ducks( the first thing I eat) are the thighs, which just end up in the ditch otherwise! Thanks for the comments, ROD
  6. Duck Plucker "GIVEAWAY" 6/7/2010 I will draw names from the small number of replies to my post on The EASY PLUCK donation ON 6/7/10, This is worth aprox, $175 Dollars US, Please, just reply to the post about the plucker to have your name entered in the drawing!! Thank You, ROD ---- Ian B, (If you would like to have some other "Competition", please take CHARGE)
  7. No plucker will get all of the "EARLY" pinfeathers out, we must use wax there. A little later in the season, ALL ducks come just about as clean as the one in my video!! The Easy Pluck does a POOR job.. on Snow Geese, WILL NOT DO SEA DUCKS, I post ALL comments, reviews on my web site, GOOD AND BAD, Thank You, ROD
  8. I sell this as a "DUCK" plucker, it does geese in about 5 minutes, we must pull a hand full of feathers, by hand, to give the fingers a place to start. Last winter I tried two pheasants, the first dry, no success, the second scalded and yes after 5 minutes or so rolling the bird this way and that, yes it did do the pheasant, but chicken pluckers have longer more supple fingers and by this fall, I will have an Easy Pluck C/P for sale, Chicken/Pheasant. I have been working on this nonstop for the last month or so and I will ship the first one to Nicaragua tomorrow!! Harvest season in the southe
  9. I will donate a duck plucker and draw from names that reply to the topic, say Hello, Thank You, Get Flowered or whatever, but put your name in the hat, unless one of your MODS will do this, I am having trouble with my computer, but if not I will draw from the names on 6/7, my boys birthday (He doesn't even have an Easy Pluck) Thank You, ROD WHITEHEAD Easy Pluck One of the LAST things MADE IN THE USA http://www.pluckwitheasypluck.com Click on view demo to see me pluck a duck in my living room!!
  10. Just as the others have said, mount the gun often and when you mount properly the same time after time and you close your eyes and mount, open your eyes, you should be looking down the rib with the beads in a figure 8 just as you would shoot. Unless you shoot an awful lot, OR practice your mounts 75-100 times a day you will be inconsistant anyway. When mounted you should be able to get one to two fingers between your nose and the hand near the trigger. Buy or borrow an instuctional tape by the many times world champion, YOUR, George Digweed, and this will be covered in depth! He says that a
  11. Thanks for the info foxdropper, I recieved a PM from Ian
  12. Because of the numerous inquieries from the UK,on plucking pheasants, I motored 100 miles to a pheasant reserve and purchased a few pheasants, we have none here in Northen Wisconsin. The first one I tryed plucking dry (This is the best way to pluck ducks) no success, I then scalded my next pheasant, perhaps not long enough but I did manage to get the feathers off in about 5 minutes whereas it only takes 1 1/2 to 2 minutes for a duck. This plucker will not pluck chickens either!! I was almost sure that it would, but I have tried, with no success. If you look at my plucking instructions htt
  13. I recently joined The Hunting Life and have been quite busy and just got back here. I would like to DONATE one of my Duck Pluckers. I make up and sell over the internet, The Easy Pluck. A custom made duck plucker that is quite inexpensive, enabling every duck hunter to have one in his/her back yard. Please watch as I pluck a duck in my carpeted living room (My wife is filming, and she is still married to me) http://www.pluckwitheasypluck.com I am relatively new to forums and didn't see how to get in contact with a moderator or administrator, so if someone would email me to let me know where
  14. I am currently a 4-H Shotgun Instructor and we start out shooting air guns at revolving targets.. Take your kid huntoing today and you won't have to hunt for him tomorrow!! Herb Parsons, Showman shooter

  15. Pluck your ducks (Dry) soon after the hunt/harvest, Chickens are agitated in scalding water with a little dish soap added, 150 degrees fahrenheit, for around one minute this is also good for pheasants altho I don't know the time for the scald on the Pheasants I make up custom made duck pluckers called the Easy Pluck, please watch as I pluck a duck in my carpeted living room at http://www.pluckwitheasypluck.com I am currently working on Chicken/Pheasant pluckers with the longer fingers, I would like to DONATE a duck plucker to The Hunting Life, either to be auctioned off or a direct product
  16. Hello. just got back here

  17. Personal preference, some age, some don't, BUT, you should try this recipe::: http://www.pluckwitheasypluck.com
  18. Yankee new to the site, just wanted to say GREATTT pics. Thank You, ROD
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