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Rod W

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Everything posted by Rod W

  1. I need to hear from someone that has plucked Aylesbury Ducks, Are you able to pluck them without tearing the skin??? Thank You, ROD
  2. Jelly 4, Did ----Hunt and Fish, Vancouver,British,Columbia---- help at all? It should have gotten you to the people in the know. It has been a long time since I have hunted up there, but I have friends that hunt Ontario, Canada every year and it shouldn't be any harder for you to get a long gun into Canada than them. Thank You, ROD
  3. I am currently making up the EASY PLUCK C/P, Chicken/Pheasant pluckers and need to find out the scald times for pheasants. A few weekends past, I tried plucking a few pheasants but became quite frustrated when the thin skin would tear, I know that we must use extreme Finesse' when plucking our thin skinned game birds and I am sure that there is a "learning curve" AND to shorten that curve I ask those that may have plucked with a rubber fingered, drum style plucker!! I just recently learned that for chickens the scald time is less for the young birds and so is the water temperature. Watch a
  4. EASY PLUCK, duck plucker sent

  5. SYCAMOREBIRDS, Shoot me another email with your address, I'd be more than happy to send you the Easy Pluck, REALLY ROD


  7. The winner is::: sycamorebirds, Please contact me, Thank You, ROD EASY PLUCK

  8. sycamorebirds, the winner and I need your address

  9. I had my beautiful wife pick a number of the entries and she kept picking MY NUMBER!!! ( Possibly because I was in soooo mannyy times.) She then picked #9, which happens to be---"SYCAMOREBIRDS"---Congratulations and give it a good workout! Please remit, $149.95 shipping and handling-----You know you can't trust them damned YANKEES-----No, seriously, NO CHARGES, But I do need an address to mail the Easy Pluck to!!! Thank You, Rod Whitehead PM also sent
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