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Everything posted by MFH ONEDAY

  1. Cracking day out, did you make it?
  2. He is absolutely in no mans land, both the RSPCA and LACS have refuted evidence that he has supplied in the past. Just another disgruntled ex employee.
  3. Best bushing dog ive worked myself was a springer/ bedlington. Old style beddy, not a dainty show type.Big moorland springer. Was offered a lab/staffie last year. Didnt take it and been wondering about it ever since
  4. And a few of my big lad from last year, cant wait to get going again.
  5. A few of an Irish mare I sold at the end of last season.
  6. Is there a closed season for them or is it ok to take them any time? I assume they are nesting at the minute? Im after one for the pot not big numbers.There seem to be a lot of them around here now.
  7. We have new ones for subscribers each year,
  8. Am at a bit of a loss here, I hunt with registered pack of fox hounds, who hunt totally within the law following trails. If I have given the impression of anything other than this, although I fail to see where,then I can assure you it is completely unintentional. As for broadcasting my next day out, to the best of my knowledge we have met on Tuesdays among other days that I obviously dare not mention for at least the last hundred years. I was under the impression this was a hunting site and so I was merely writing about my hunting days. I had another lovely morning today. I feel blessed to
  9. 2nd time out today with the FBH. Lovely weather, hounds sung and we had a little run. Bliss....... Roll on next Tuesday.
  10. Been offered a lab x bull terrier not done anything at a year old. Not adverse to trying him with my pack. A terrier a spaniel and a beagle along with various lurchers. Could do with another cover dog, so im tempted. Anyone ever seen this cross? Was it of any use? The best hunting dog ive owned was a bedlington x springer so im open to a new cross.
  11. This is Rex my youngster for this season only 4, The 2nd picture is his first time cubbing last week,
  12. Any pictures of your hunt horses for this season or from seasons past?
  13. Thats the lambo beagles in Leedstown mate. Western kennels are near Madron. The beagles hunt on foot all over cornwall and dont really have a specific country although they hunt a lot in west penwith. Fourburrow runs from wadebridge show ground down to camborne across to Helstone and back up across the roseland to st columb. Cury hunt the lizard from Helstone down and Wesrtern hunt from camborne down to Lands End.
  14. Just started a new blog about my season following hounds down here in Cornwall. Be good if anyone would like to read it and tell me what you think. Thank you.

  15. A few recent ones of her will dig some older ones out.
  16. Did a lot of rabbit on the lamp with a belgian cross. She was Groenedal though not a malinois. Still in the kennel now, retired though at 13 years old. Best dog ive had so far to be honest. Not the fastest but really didn't need to be as was a very clever and committed dog. Her father was a well known dog on fox pre ban down here in Cornwall. Very sad to retire her and wish I had bred from her when she was younger. I would probably have used a whippet dog over her as well.
  17. Redmills, Gain or something else?. What do those of you that feed kibble prefer? My lot are on Redmills of varying type depending on workload and age. Find it really good quality, reliable feed. I have to admit to this post being partly market research as we sell Redmills feeds ourselves and have had a few people ask about Gain. What do you all prefer? Thanks in advance.
  18. Seen a few recover in our area, it is like that in the states apparently
  19. So, with autumn hunting just around the corner when do you all start? The Fourburrow down here in Cornwall are starting the last week in August. However up the road at the North Cornwall they usually get going by the middle of the month on the moors. A very exciting time of year almost upon us again.
  20. Great pics. Crawling across the border down here in Cornwall. Myxi comes through most years but makes less of a dent over all each time it seems.
  21. Best lurcher ive had is a Belgian shepard grey.
  22. I have a bitch, Belgian shepherd/grey 12 now prick ears as well. Been a great servant over the years, not the quickest flat out but a very clever bitch on the lamp. Her father was a very good dog on Fox pre ban, and clever with it rarely taking punishment.An under valued cross in my opinion but not easy to go d physically sound shepherds anymore.
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