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Everything posted by JDHUNTING

  1. Camerons sending 100 troops to the baltic, ill bet putins arse is twitching now
  2. Hes certainly showing cameron and obama a thing or two about political chess
  3. The certs are yours pal whoever paid for them, dont let them get away with it and dont chuck 15grs experience down the pan if you like the job
  4. I don't like leftards either but I can feel sorry for a woman who was raped it's not like she slap off a police baton. Thats pretty much her life fuckd up for the wrong reasons.how can you really feel sorry fir her? She was over there actively trying to get as many of these immigrants into europe as possible, these people are the problem thanks to her not having the courage to report it these rapists could be anywere in europe and will rape others who didnt want them here. I wouldnt care if they raped tortured and skinned alive every last one of her typesI'd feel less sorry for her if she was
  5. I don't like leftards either but I can feel sorry for a woman who was raped it's not like she slap off a police baton. Thats pretty much her life fuckd up for the wrong reasons. how can you really feel sorry fir her? She was over there actively trying to get as many of these immigrants into europe as possible, these people are the problem thanks to her not having the courage to report it these rapists could be anywere in europe and will rape others who didnt want them here. I wouldnt care if they raped tortured and skinned alive every last one of her types
  6. Going from this thread hunters are exceptionally tall on average.......or prone to exageration
  7. Wonder why that is? I bet its because the keeper hasnt put any down,or do you think its because the lad has over hunted a population of wild pheasants lol
  8. And also how come nonces etc get protection from being exposed in the media and celebs getting gagging orders but poor bloke living on council estate gets shredded by every media outlet bbc radio takin the piss out of him name address local pub and his whole life put out there for anyone to see and thats ok. Hope its still funny when the guy tops himself
  9. And also all this with motorcyclists and cyclists riding rnd with cameras does my box in motorists have no way of identifying who they are (cyclists) and from what I can see now there just trolling motorists for a reaction so they can stick it on youtube and get a pat on the back by fellow lycra fags.One thing its made me realise is if I ever get into any sort of altercation with these twats they wont be leaving with their helmet cam.
  10. I think its all a bit tight on tge fella tbh, he was goin about his business and some jumped up twat on a moped decides to wind him up he loses his rag and says some stupid things and now hes the laughing stock of all the country. I read somewere hes an ex serviceman so weres all this animosity towards him come from I thought they were all heroes?
  11. Ive always thought boxers would be the the biggest ped users perfect for it, no team mates, months away in the mountains, more money at stake and athletes from the most deprived places. Always presumed its why mayweather retires after every fight.
  12. and another point on that, what do they put on all the arable to keep it fertile? muck from livestock!
  13. I think plant based foods are 4 times less intensive on the land than animal protein based foods, calorie for calorie. Whether we like it or not vegetarianism does seem better for the environment. That doesn't take into account the actual impact on the environment though, just how productive arable and livestock is in calories per acre. But that's all it has going for it, the health arguments based on life expectancy stats get blown to bits when analysed properly, correcting for all the other factors associated with the general meat eating demographic. Coming back to the environment, is
  14. I hear theyre lining rolf harris up for head of the child protection agency and nick leeson to be chancellor.
  15. Its pretty funny.............that the potential hw champion of the world has to use a batman suit with fake muscles sewn in.
  16. exactly we are by a long way the biggest consumers on europe, I worked for a czech company for a while who were panicking because they had lost their uk distributor, their uk sales were worth more than the rest of europe put together, there is no way they would stop trading with us on the contrary I think a lot more would leave the eu as being able to import easily to us is their biggest benefit of being in.
  17. Maybe its because Muslims themselves are quick to define themselves as Muslim Maybe its because many people are led to believe that in their book its Ok to rape non Muslim ???? Maybe its because they have a reputation now all over Europe for child Pedophile rape gangs........Rotherham/Newcastle/Manchester just a few places where it happened Do christains not define themselves as christains? as for paedophille rape gangs there's one hiding out in Westminister but let's not let the truth get in the way of a good story, Rapers are gonna rape regardless of religion I agre
  18. Both mine start howling along to a harmonica someone bought me a couple of years ago.i get it out for a few hours when the neighbours a getting on my nerves.
  19. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender This is the mentality that affords us our liberties, the mentality that allows ledt wing idiots to spout there shite the mentality that gives us pride as a nation, how very different it couldve been. W
  20. I very much agree with that sentiment but there is a school of thought that says "why would you put your kids in that position or subject them to such conditions?" As much as I disagree with the crisis of unchecked immigration, I am able to see it from their side as well. I can visualise myself in their position and I would do what it takes to get my family a better life. The problem is these people are so desperate they will do anything to escape the tyranny in their own country. Now whether that is for economic purposes or simply because they think other countries are soft touches I could n
  21. There nearly all young men of fighting age, everyones fighting everyone in syria so whstever your persuasion theres a faction to join, but no these "men" come here and leave the mess for someone else to sort and the worst is itll be us fighting them in a generation and the offspring of the ones coming here will be the ones jumping up and down about us bombing there fellow muslims. I dont revel in people dieing especially children, but the less of them that make it here then the better for my kids and there future, so I wont be losing any sleep either. And lastly as there nearly all men
  22. Does that also apply to buying kids toys when you know its a heart or liver they really want ?.....or does compassion go out the window when folk reach the age of consent ? Much as i agree we often do it for ourself as much as for the other person its nothing to do with ego..........making positive contributions to society instead of negative,possibly...............massaging ego,s certainly not. Not really the same is it if you could get the kid a new liver as easy aa you could a toy then obviousley get the liver, you cant get a liver though so you get a toy instead, plus why bring dieing
  23. Those who buy them food when you know its ale they want, who you doin a favour to? Its more to massage your ego than anythin.if you want to do a drunk bum a favour go and buy him a case of cheap plonk, least you know he, ll get some use out of it rather than bin it soon as your backs turned.personally I dont give anyone anything at least im consistant.
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