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Everything posted by JDHUNTING

  1. Mouth wide open I reckon eubank goin down soon
  2. Eubanks gonna run out of steam here
  3. Second that. Get well soon fella. What a complete imbarresment to the sport. There probably HL members themselves. So Fckunig shame on you you low life scum. dont be so quick to condemn our own someone out to rob would have took everything he had after goin to the trouble of koshing them so badly grabbing just the binos and cash says to me maybe trying to make it look like a robbery could well be a targetted attack by an anti
  4. In another case he was a character witness to someone convicted of defrauding pensioners and funding isil!
  5. Imo opinion if your topping a ppv bill then you cant really be calling yourself a prospect/rookie aj,s should step it up after this, presuming he gets the win
  6. Im not saying its not but dont just presume it to be lurcher lads, I wouldnt be surprised at anything some antis would do to harm the hunting community. Then again theres some real scum in yhis game. Has a collection been sorted yet? Andykelly stick your paypal up.

    Cheap Food

    thats an eye opener just checked a local farmer 500000 and they only have a small herd of cows, there also worth £250m from another business they own.my mates obviously not a very good business man! Lol but he is the hardest working man I know! I think there are very few "gentleman farmers" these days.(Except maybe walshie I aint criticising pal I dont know anything bout it to have an opinion
  8. Sometimes I delude myself and think people are starting to open their eyes, then 500000 people sign a petition about something that wont affect us in anyway and I realise nithing will ever change.

    Cheap Food

    thats an eye opener just checked a local farmer 500000 and they only have a small herd of cows, there also worth £250m from another business they own.
  10. A white guy shot dead by police, theres gonna be sone rioting and looting in the capital tonight........oh no wait, no there wont.
  11. I agree that this being ppv is a piss take but on the otherhand look at the recent hw champ ppv, a terrible undercard topped by a 36 minute sparring match.Atleast this is a good undercard topped by two fighters that certainly will be trying to stop their opponent
  12. Cant stand bellew neither, hope eubank wins his old man was on radio this morning, spoke well talked sense always thought he got a rough ride of people when really he is respectful to others and is able to laugh at himself.
  13. Britain did run riot and impose it's laws and cultures on many countries creating the empire, why?, because we were more switched on and educated than the countries we ruled.. If those countries had been able to they would have shafted us, it's that simple. Life was simple, you were stronger, cleverer, you exploited the fact. To equate what went on hundreds of years ago to what is happening now doesn't balance. I'm fed up hearing self righteous left wing pricks apologising for what Britain did to the world. The British people were better educated two hundred years ago than very many shit
  14. Britain did run riot and impose it's laws and cultures on many countries creating the empire, why?, because we were more switched on and educated than the countries we ruled.. If those countries had been able to they would have shafted us, it's that simple. Life was simple, you were stronger, cleverer, you exploited the fact. To equate what went on hundreds of years ago to what is happening now doesn't balance. I'm fed up hearing self righteous left wing pricks apologising for what Britain did to the world. The British people were better educated two hundred years ago than very many shit
  15. ffs I hope he dont start talking bout hunting, last thing we need.


    blimey hes small :-D
  17. Id say AJs start is more impressive myself the only reason he hasnt straight kod many yet is simply cos they cant wait to jump on the floor once theyve had a feel of his power the test though as in MT case will be getting to the top AND staying there.
  18. to call MT the greatest is like if AJ irons a few more bums out beats fury and then gets his arse handed to him by hughie fury then proclaiming him the greatest for the way he ko,d all those second rate opponents


    Its a bit of wind give it a name and all of a sudden its a hurricane.still leaves on some trees here!
  20. Ive never said ali is the greatest, though hes had the mist impressive career id put foreman and holmes infront of him in terms of on there best days. Just pullinv your leg about the brookie thing as your trying to kill a debate im enjoying dont take it to heart and whatever the author thing meant it went way above my head. :-)
  21. If im going to be honest imo using rifles alltogether should be largly reined in and less clinical/more natural methods I.e dogs cattys hawks pushed, that would actually help the survival of the fittest nature needs.
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