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Everything posted by JDHUNTING

  1. Borders tacky!! If they buried me under that I'd come back alive just so I can die of embarrasment
  2. They're also generally middle to upper class wankers who were the very group who benefitted then from slavery then and the wealth they inherit now a lot of the time will go back to slavery. The working class who have to share their cities and towns with the animals and who will lose out directly from "positive discrimination" were the ones denied opportunities in the new world because of the slaves. We had it so much better than the blacks back then eh with our workhouses and 6 day weeks down a coal mine and a life expectency of about 28 (well until the empire needed defending anyway then it d
  3. ??Can't believe the next bloke walked in aswell!
  4. Most of the ones I've seen look like they'd torture cats for a hobby, I think the ones that's been captured and shown so far just aren't fighting types and don't have the training or bottle, just conscripts imagine conscripting 18-19 year old from this country now they'd be even worse.
  5. For the responsibilities they have I wouldn't care if they trebled their salary, its just a shame none of the ones we have or will get in the foreseeable will be up to the job.
  6. Looks a bit dry but atleast you've got a nice old pint of period yoghurt to wash it down with ?
  7. Thought it had all kicked off here earlier when there was what felt like an earthquake!! (West Lancs)


    "pages stuck together by rain" ???
  9. Sounds like the kind of bollocks antis make up to me
  10. Wow that's amazing I wonder if they had to get an offroader over to transport the beast off the hill.
  11. f***ing murdered it, stick to the soldiering lads
  12. Out of court settlements should be banned they're just a way for rich scumbags to dodge the law an option your average person does not have and places them above the law.
  13. Just down the right ad from here..... Might bib down with a flask and sarnies and a can of wd at £2 a spray
  14. It's an iron bar a £2 one won't be any worse than a £200 one. If you already have a claw hammer a short one won't do anything that won't do. If your short of space sling it in the garden it'll still work with a bit of rust on.
  15. Don't be so cynical! Are you honestly telling me it's never happened to you? One minute your sat watching telly then get up for a drink, trip and there's a cock shaped object rammed 10 inch up your shitter, it's a common thing all innocent like.
  16. Am I missing something or does the top one not just look like a big black greyhound having a drink? Don't big cats generally get down low to drink unlike dogs aswell.
  17. My pal didn't get one for seven years, moved house and same again for another 2-3 years. They cottoned on for second house but I don't think he had to back pay anything.
  18. So advertising doesn't influence things then? Why do companies spend billions on it then? Edit just checked its £657 billion a year industry. That's a whole lot of money to spend on something that doesn't work.
  19. Who says you can't turn someone gay? Kids shouldn't be exposed to this who knows how kids sexuality is formed. If being abused makes you more likely to be an abuser then clearly it ain't all about what your born with.
  20. These will kill mould spores and anything similar, we use industrial sized ones at work, I got one to kill the smell of dead rat in a cavity a few year ago and it worked a treat. £20 Please Wait... | Cloudflare WWW.ONBUY.COM
  21. Missus works in the NHS so soon will have too, plenty other private companies too follow suit shortly, ours included once the legal lie of the land is sussed.
  22. Everything looks bigger through a snorkel mask, I make missus wear hers in bed.
  23. Not to be contrary but I don't see how a tsunami would hit the USA (2-3000 miles away) before it hit Africa (about 50 miles away) ?
  24. f**k me no wonder they made em put burkas on
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