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Everything posted by jls54

  1. Thanks for the hobs Jamie settled in great. cheers John.
  2. Hi Jamie whereabouts in Surrey mate I am after a couple of hobs. cheers John. I've to many ferrets on , only reason
  3. Thanks for all your replies I will let you know what rifle I get and keep you informed as to how I get on. ATB John.
  4. Thank you for your replies would anyone know of an airgun club around Oxford? ATB John.
  5. Hi all Been on here a while but this is my first post I am in to Falconry, Shooting and ferreting. I would like to know what pcp you would advise to get as a first pcp at the moment I have a BSA Lightning but am looking to get a pcp. I have around £500 to £600 to spend including charging equipment. ps: I am left handed.
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