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Everything posted by BLUE BULLETT 1

  1. if hes the goat go tell him to go get some dogs befor he talks about any body else

  2. tim got a good bitch off u soap it wont go in the bush hes takig my dogs now having some stuf

  3. dont be like that soap he was good to you in the gold rush

  4. glenvill cant come out of his house to day the snow up to his chest

  5. i cant part with the new one the zip is going on the old one he should have another year out of it and the new one should last me a life time

  6. dont talk about the pups ive had mark to soapy hes very jelouse of them

  7. it might very well be soapy

  8. scot will never have the quality dogs that the nuggett got

  9. mike i didnt like to tell you. when you was up the house last week. me and wendy thougt you look terible i know its none of our bissnes but we would be gratefull if you can stop coming up for a couple of months you frightning our grand kidds

  10. helo no14 its no1 year. soapy not well atall up there. can you get him a hood winter come herly

  11. i think you got whatyoucallit

  12. money not every thing mike its only paper look at me for instense me and charle can do what we wont get up when we wont go lamping when we wont.ill live ten years longer than you have a think about it old butt you sprnt 30 years of your life working ive spent 30 tears of my life sleeping go see dr patell in the mornig you poor bugger

  13. i bet them tubes are cold mike wy dont you have a break and go on the sick for a couple of weeks its starting to take its toll on you now look at the fieseq on me and the fox i hope your drest up warm the flu would have devestating resaults on you now its like talking to the wall ho well then keep up the good work always thiking of you j q gunter

  14. the goat gone quiet on year now

  15. how are you charl thers some dull c**ts on year now charl

  16. i had to by those terriers im doing a lot with nuggett next year see soap. i hope they turn out to be has good as leighton doggs im yet to see any beter than them its a credit to go with him what a man they all jelous of him and his doggs

  17. thers no need to be jelous mike

  18. yes ive had them soap and yes i will be showing them

  19. im in to the laklands now ill open some eyes

  20. what you on about mike 37 sun

  21. he still got them old but

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