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Everything posted by welshnutter69

  1. heres my lab x greyhound, hes almost 3 now...got some pics done so thout id post them for u to see him...the marks are due to running the trash and running into fences, hes a little silly like that... anyway. enjoy the pics....shall be gettin pics of the same standard of my other 2 lab crosses soon.
  2. to train a younger dog i put my jumper over the barb intill i can see there able to make it over and not land ontop...but yes i train my dogs to jump barb
  3. lol shes in there every day huggin him saying i love u haha, she never done that with a dog [bANNED TEXT]...mayb shes like, ohh i love u, i want daddy to buy me a saddle so i can ride u on day u f****n horse haha!! nah honestly she loves him to bits. hes even choosen [bANNED TEXT] bonnie mwsh
  4. yea, big wippets down this way see ;-) haha... cudnt take him bk, ud have to fight my daughter lol
  5. just a little pic of the whippet greyhound mate.
  6. u cud send a picture of her arse mate?? lol
  7. no probs matey :-) shel do u proud, for sure ;-)
  8. im after hunting dvds, there was a bloke selling them on here but hes banned, can any one put be in contact with him please? think his name was something like blitz...thanks
  9. i gave a pup to a friend as thay suffer from asthma . thay wanted a dog that lose little to none hair, well these crosses lose very little hair, so gave the pup to them. is that a crime??
  10. and i said, older dog, not puppy....u tit
  11. hes still got one boy left, u might wanna buy it if u want a decent dog, keyboard hunter
  12. LOOOOOOL thay were a mates litter, and theres couple from here that bought a pup and thayl tell u thay were my mates litter u idiot...u f****n idiot mate..
  13. hes just a keyboard hunter that just moans like f**k, why doesnt he get on with his own shite? he aint named and shamed me. hes just full of shit, seen me get rid of couple of genuine dogs and thinks im a peddler...f****n muppet
  14. exactly..try bk in jan [bANNED TEXT] i sold a dog last...f****n idiot
  15. can u give me the link to that topic please ftb
  16. [bANNED TEXT] was the last time i sold an adult dog?? lol ftb makin a mountain out of a mole hill...ive got three here i work, ones 12months...not started her yet. 7 year old...and a 3 year old.
  17. lol [bANNED TEXT] a dick of a bloke...stop moaning then u fuckwit... all u do on here is moan... and i go throu 29 dogs in a season...get it right
  18. ftb. throw some more toys out dude. ill call u what i want...if it bothers u that much, would u like to speak to some thats had dogs off me, to see if the dogs were rehomed as exactly how i said? just so u can stop crying that u ended up with shit...
  19. yea i can see [bANNED TEXT] ur saying, i had the bitch from a bloke...i then did loads of research and found out she had the parvo virus as a puppy, and the first owner of the dog had her snipped, but i thout u had to wait intill after her first season befor the snip could of been done, she could swear down she had the snip, while the owner i had her off said there was no way she had the snip...i just wanted to know the truth about her as i didnt want to kennel her up with my dogs if she didnt have the snip...i had no intentions in breeding her..
  20. lol do u honestly think i give a flying f**k [bANNED TEXT] u say dude? keep throwing ur toys out of that pram mate... i have never bred a litter of lurchers in all my time.... and [bANNED TEXT] i do...i wont need to list them on here, my dogs work and work well, so have sold befor i even bred a litter...and im no faggot that breeds litters to make money, i will wait intill my bitch is proven with atleast 4 seasons under her belt...as u can see..ive waited intill my dog is 7 befor i offer him as a stud...so dont go on about beeing a peddler to me u faggot, ive given away better dogs
  21. many dogs forsale to suite all ur needs, msg me if u want a dog...ill sort u any dog out for any job...i dont work, dogs make me alll my money!!! i love it... i love winding u up u faggots... BOOOOOOOOOOOM
  22. u can get my name off that now...im no peddlar, my dogs never been sold for profit and all had genuine reasons. fight the ban do one u mug
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