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Yn Manninagh

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About Yn Manninagh

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Dumfries & Galloway

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  1. Another idiot convicted by his own stupidity, kept video's on his phone. It makes me wonder about the intellectual ability of some people, anyway ten months in the jail will give him time to reflect. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-49908430
  2. Feck there's some nut jobs about, this fella needs locking up for a long time before he kills someone. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/man-who-killed-dog-and-fed-it-to-pet-is-convicted-of-cruelty-1.3268295
  3. Being a life long supporter of Wales I hope they pull something out of the bag this year. But saying that, and I'm choking saying this; but England look the team to beat, now I'll go and wash my mouth out with soapy water.
  4. I just pull them, cut most of the top off and dry them in the greenhouse. Took them up a week ago.
  5. I'm totally in agreement with the new lower limit, as are most of the people I've spoken with here in the village I live in, in Scotland. One of the points talked about is how many drinks you can have at home in an evening, without being over the limit the following morning. I'm sure a few drivers will be caught out during the short term.
  6. We have a few Barn owls around that I've managed to get the odd good shot of. I've found that if you stand still when you first see them you can then squeak them in like a Fox.
  7. You may like to have a look at this site, lots of countryside type of jobs advertised, keep an eye on it and something may come up that will suit you. Good luck. http://www.countryside-jobs.com/Jobs/index.htm
  8. Well it's a nice sunny day again here in Scotland, wow two days in a row. I'll be out at that cottage this evening and will stay to see if those Peregrines return. I'll take a shorter lens too for when the light fades to see if I can get a shot of them. I understand that they nest in cities and towns on buildings, but I have never seen one enter a building. Maybe they are just using it to roost in, still strange though.
  9. Yesterday evening I was sat watching a dilapidated cottage, in the hope of photographing a Barn owl which resides in a nest box in there. An hour before sunset a pair of Peregrines flew overhead one went behind me and the other flew down to sit on the edge of a very small quarry overlooking a pond. It took off after about ten minutes and disappeared. At 20:15 the light was fading and wasn't bright enough to use my long 600mm lens so I walked the 100 yards to the road to sit and wait to see which of the many opening the owl would use to exit, for tonight sorte. Within five minutes the Pere
  10. And that looks like a total load of bollacks.
  11. Adobe will not be releasing anymore versions of Photoshop or software from the suite. They are going to a Creative Cloud monthly/annual subscription. Prices being bantered around the web are of a £400 subscription per annum, which Adobe haven't denied. I have both CS5 Ex / Cs6 Ex so it won't really bother me, but to anybody new getting into photography and needing a good editing programme it's going to be a costly addition to there budget. There is free software online but it really doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Photoshop has. I believe there are ways of acquiring both
  12. Nice Roe Buck tonight, only 28 metres away oh for a .243, lots about now. Plenty of Hares too.
  13. It's not happened to me, but my mate got caught out. We had to do a clean reinstall of Win7 to sort it out. Never though it would have been caused by a corrupt update from Malwarebytes lol.
  14. Great set there. Looking at your Collie X, looks the business, my type of dog.
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