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Everything posted by joey87

  1. ahh am on ye on am only in kirkby keep up the good work joey87
  2. ye but what percentages like 1/4 bull 1/2 saluki 1/4 grey and is there any decent breeders outthere you people can point me in the right direction joey87
  3. i am after a dog that will do rabbit long ear and charlie but i am new to this game but will have tonnes of time to run a dog. could you people please tell me about your experinces with crosses best suited to my needs joey87
  4. Excellent stuff mate love abit of ratting when i was a kid where about did you go joey
  5. i was thinking of getting something like a deerhound greyhound collie cross or a saluki greyhound bull only a tiny bit bull tho but i wondered if this would hinder the speed and turning wanted really for charlie bunny and you know the other 1 not the black and white joey
  6. This is my first post on here i am into falconry and have been lamping a few times with the dogs. i wanted to know what everyone opinion on a allround dog for day and night. i am really thinking of getting into it. but would like to know a few of you lads favorites and tried and tested crosses joey87
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