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Everything posted by romany52

  1. The real scroungers are the employers, getting cheap labour subsidized by the tax payer in the form of tax credits. Using tax payers money to make private profit. the other thing they dont mention when they keep quoting 200billion a year in benifits is that state pensions make up between 40 and 50% of that total and that figure is only going to rise I know mate, the whole system stinks. 2011 figures http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2013/jan/08/uk-benefit-welfare-spending Which just goes to show it's all about Tory ideology, first they turn the general population against the gro
  2. The real scroungers are the employers, getting cheap labour subsidized by the tax payer in the form of tax credits. Using tax payers money to make private profit. the other thing they dont mention when they keep quoting 200billion a year in benifits is that state pensions make up between 40 and 50% of that total and that figure is only going to rise I know mate, the whole system stinks.
  3. The real scroungers are the employers, getting cheap labour subsidized by the tax payer in the form of tax credits. Using tax payers money to make private profit.
  4. do ye reccon he paying bedroom tax on all those spare rooms Be surprised if he's paying tax at all mate, and if he is you can bet he's putting it in with one hand and taking four times as much out with the other, greedy ,pig faced c**t!
  5. Who banned hunting? The ruling class banned it, for once they listened to public opinion but only because there was votes in it. I don't support Labour by the way! they're all the same, don't matter who you vote for, the f***ing government always get in. Oh and f**k the ban!
  6. That's what they want you to think mate, they being the ruling class, you know the ones mate, the greedy, selfish, murdering, fuckpig parasites that made their great wealth from stealing the land, slavery , sending kids to work in mines and factories, and robbed the resources of every country they could get their murdering hands into, to the extent that they made them British in order to do it! Now who paid the price for that? Time to wake up and smell the coffee, there is two Britains, the one that their all in together and the one for the rest of us!
  7. Your right, housing benefit and in social housing .
  8. That pretty much sums up the way I've felt most of my life ! I'm in!
  9. I'd hazard a guess I was hunting before you was born mate!
  10. Best ratter I ever saw was a whippet with a dash of greyhound.
  11. There are protests against it all over the country today, funny not a f***ing word about it on the news, this country is getting worse than f***ing Russia!
  12. Don't worry mate, nobody knows f**k all when it comes to guessing whats in a dog. It can't be done! I've heard idiots say 25% this 12.5% the other, it's all bollocks! That many f***ing experts guessing is the reason most folks ain't got anything like what they think they've got!
  13. Not my words but read this! Spot on. This recession is too perfect to had happened by accident: the wealth is now in private hands while the debt has become public, almost everyone is heavily indebted by what they hold most dear, their homes and their security and that of their families, their jobs on the line if they raise concern no trade union to defend them, home owners are prisoners of a pile of bricks, their life mortgaged to property speculators, keep working no matter what unless you are prepared to lose everything. Mean while the welfare state being dismantled, health services priv
  14. No, you can't keep them loose together at flying weight, only at fat weight.
  15. I've had it with just the throat spray, tastes banana flavor, While it's not pleasant, you'll do some retching, once it's done you'll wonder what all the fuss was about, just relax, good luck mate.
  16. No chance ! they would loose a free vote.
  17. I've never had a problem with saluki crosses, problem is, a lot of other crosses end up reasonably trained despite poor training methods. With the saluki cross you need to know what your doing and do it right, being heavy handed just won't work.
  18. It wouldn't mate, I fed mine sheeps heads for years, no problem.
  19. In this area, it was reported that there was 11 job seekers to every vacancy , even if everyone was qualified for every job, 10 out of every 11 are stuffed!
  20. EXCUSE ME ! only when I say it loud, 'cause it means I'm on the war path and I don't care If I get my head kicked in, I hate it 'cause it's too late to back down and I'm in it till the final outcome.
  21. Doesn't really sound like friendly advice mate, sounds more like a threat ! Any lads worth their salt will take it as an invite !
  22. I believe they came about as the result of a competition, to see who could get the most terraced houses on an allotment !
  23. That's what we're counting on! That's fare enough mate, if that's what you want, but I know a lot of would be UKIP voters who will get a big shock if they get in.
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