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Everything posted by romany52

  1. Terriers are not verry different to any other breed when it comes to trianing , the biggest proplem is that folk start them hunting before they are trained to a high enough standard.No dog should see game untill its obedience training has reached the standard you require.
  2. I've had success with a hose rigged up ready to just turn on and a corugated steel sheet hung by the run and a cati from the back door, low tec I know.
  3. If I don't like something, I don't do it. But have you noticed anti's, If they don't like something, they don't do it, but not satisfied with that ,they wan't to stop you doing it aswell !
  4. In the right conditions ,your right, but in awkward places, some times you can't even get a spade in, under slabs of rock or big tree roots. I always treated them with respect and only ever got nipped once, and that was through the boot, while holding a netted fox down, putting another net on as the dog was still baying. I won't get bit now as I'm not in the digging game these days. And ofcause you wouldn't handle a fox if you didn't have to. But any good terrier man should be able to.
  5. I find mk4's set permanently, with a bit of dry dog food chucked in each end of the tunnel works a treat.
  6. I,ll tell you why he pissed me off, road walking my dogs on public road, he roars up and wants my address, when I tell him to piss off he does, then comes back with cops. They tell me not to come back, I tell them I'm not breaking any laws and I'll be back same time every day, 5 days they pull me ,till I threaten to make a complaint. I never set foot on the place till after that. But it cost him plenty.
  7. A keeper once pissed me off ,so all I did was go up there on shoot day,all the lurchers in tow, walked the foot paths and managed to feck up nearly every drive. Even pushed my way through the guns while they were stood haveing a fecking good moan to the keeper about me, made him look a right twat.
  8. i keep odd hours ,and they dont ,the worst thing they could do was inflict pain on me ,how do you think the owner of a shoot would react if the keeper had upset some one that could and would make sure nothing would ever live long enough to be shot year after year ,how long would they keep their job You would get locked up if you were caught in the act and if you kept on repeating. A Keeper can also use a reasonable amount of force to remove the offender. Remember that a Keeper is not going to let you get away with destroying days shooting. You've a lot to learn mate,I've known drin
  9. Same way as we held 'em to tap them mate.
  10. 30 odd years ago I was shown to turn the spade around and pin them against the side with the handle,then scruff them,slide them out and grab their back legs or tail,you can have a few problems if there's more than one in the hole though,but it does teach you some respect for the fox as you definitely don't get bitten twice,it also makes you realise the bravery of your terrier,atb,wirralman There's all sorts of tricks mate, we also used to give 'em a stick to bite on while you sliped your hand in.
  11. Back when I was young we didn't always have the use of a gun ,we had to pull them out in order to tap them with a pick axe handle.
  12. I didn't say I'd "duff them over" I said I'd get even, and if I ever had a dog that chased stock I'd shoot it myself. And in years gone by I have done it for mates.
  13. they are not saying if they do. whats all this about flicking dirt in there eyes.first time iv herd that.years ago we scruffed them all the time. Yes mate, I'm talking years ago, in awkward places, when all you can get at, is the head, face on, if you cover the eyes it won't strike as you put your hand over the top to scruff it, worked for me a few times.
  14. Same here, have always gone to a lot of trouble to make sure all my dogs were bomb proof with stock. Refused to go out with lads who,s dogs weren't.
  15. Yes but I bet he gives it a "health check" at the same time, greedy bast.
  16. Don't know why all these folk get so eat up about poaching, when you think about it , bet they all speed or use mobile when driving, that kills folk, what real harm are poachers doing. A lot of laws are just there to protect the have's from the have not's. Or to help the greedy feckers keep thier ill gotten gains.
  17. If any twat shot my dog for no reason , then I can guarantee he would loose a damn sight more than me. Lost a few battles in my time but never lost a war.
  18. Not realy, when you strip you take the gard hairs,if they are clipped already you won't get hold of them without pulling the undercoat as well.
  19. stripping's best , clipping's easier.
  20. Plus no matter what you say, some pillock will come on and argue about it.
  21. .....at least Jebus can spell ! Or use a spell check
  22. I was poaching 40yrs ago , there weren't no war that I noticed, I went to make a living.And I liked beating the keepers and police.
  23. Wrong buddy. I have a running dog and don't poach, simply because i have the balls to go and ask the landowner if i can hunt on their land. Takes bigger balls to poach than ask permision mate. I used to ask permision and when they said no I went anyway, even got some permision 'cause they new they couldn't keep me off.
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