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Everything posted by romany52

  1. I had a French mate years ago,he got a load of snails out of my garden and did them more or less as has been said, they smelled lovely, I had one and guess what, it tasted just as you would expect a feckin snail to taste. :sick:
  2. I think reptiles laid eggs long before any bird ,so the egg came before the chicken.
  3. the law is you can kill rabbits and rats with dogs as means of pest control on permision! but they arnt exatly going to throw the book at you because the dogs chased a coney that walked into you path on a public foot path.what an arsehole,should of dropped him! I know the law mate, and I agree with you. I think a lot of lads don't know the law well enough to say the right things to get away with it ,should they get caught.
  4. Just out of interest, what do you lot think the law is ?
  5. Hi mate, you want the 173, the 216 frequency has been sold off for digital radio and may well not be usable once they start transmitting on it, that's why there's a lot up for sale. Mike.
  6. I've had a 1/6, 3/6, 1/10 and 2/12 all chicken eggs of ebay, quail eggs seem to travel better though, with 8/12 and 10/12.
  7. thats what i was trying to say, thanks thought i could hve been a trianing aid of recalling one dog that will do as it's told ond a new be dog. thanks that cleared the question up for me They are also used for that purpose ,known as hound couples, you couple a young hound to an old hound, till it's learned the ropes.
  8. I noticed the other two leaders have said very little about it, could it be that they are all two faced twats and just feel sorry for him, for getting caught. When something happens like this, that shows politicians in a bad light, it matters little what party they belong to, they close ranks, they are all in it for themselves, democracy! my arse.
  9. I prefer Paul Brady's version, but that was good.
  10. Don't worry mate, it'll move on when it's had 'em all.
  11. Tosser, and I'll be fooked if I can tell the difference between him and his mrs, Anita Dobson.
  12. A quick " post mortem " ought to tell you if it was egg bound.
  13. If you haven't got permission , makes no difference whether it's rabbit, rat, fox or hare, your contravening the hunting with dogs act. Rabbits and rats are only exempt if you have permission.
  14. I heard of a bloke getting done, on his way out hunting, he stopped for petrol and went in to pay with the knife on his belt.
  15. I was going to ask on here about this myself actually! If the rescues are full up with greyhounds looking for good homes (some as young as 18 months) why not get one? Are they any good? Will they work? A mate i spoke to this morning says he has had three and all they ever did was crash! Embankments, trees, hedges, fences, he said that because of their track days all they knew was flat out and thats what they did right up untill they hit something. All three of his killed themselves by crashing into stuff at full pelt. Was he just unlucky? I would love to rehome an ex track grey myself
  16. Regarding the knife ,I believe to be legal with the knife in the car, you need to be on your way to where it can legally be used or on your way home from that place. Also you need to prove permission, there is no legitimate use for a knife in an illegal activity.
  17. I think greyhounds are underrated,I had a bitch years ago,ex racer, 22 mths,discarded for interfering. I trained it to jump ,retrieve, stay, the lot. It ferreted, lamped, took fox, hare, rabbit and feather. Once, when out for a mouch a hare came through the hedge about 100mtrs ahead, off she went,out in the field it stopped, she stopped, got down low and stalked to within about 20mtrs of it before it set off again. So they are not as thick as most folk think.She became the foundation for a line of good lurchers.
  18. Hi mate, I would suggest you drop the stay command as sit and down mean stay in that position anyway, and the no command can be used for leave it also, as no means stop doing what ever it is you are doing.
  19. I've had 1 or 2 reach 11, and few more reach 10, but they get a bit doddery.
  20. I had a bedlington cross, 24",in a competition he jumped 8ft 11" without a run up, straight on to the top of the obstacle, he was beaten by a little whippet cross that ran at ,and scrambled up about 14ft! I think it was.
  21. thats what ive found.took on my mates daughters 2 jills 7wks ago they work aswell as my old jill and they were kept as pets(little outfits the lot).sorry if I sounded off with you driod in my last post didnt mean to To say that the working ability of of all ferrets is the same, is simply not true. I've kept ferrets for 50yrs, some are skittish, nippy and untameable, some are indifferent when it comes to work.If you're working rat, the differences are even more apparent, some good rabbit strains are useless for rats, they either don't want to know or go off the idea after a few attempts. A
  22. EEEHHH BY GUM THE GOOD OLD DAYS I know mate, " this wa rall fields when I war a lad " And if you went tut chippy fa a quids wuth a chips youd need a trany van to get em home in.
  23. Exactly the problem here i would think! Shooting game over an 8 month old terrier i'm not surprised you are having problems!! It chases....you shoot and hey presto he has a new toy to rag....which no doubt he gets praise for??? Why on earth would it come back to you in that situation....it's allowed to free hunt and get rewards of shot game after a chase. That dog needs BASIC training for at least another 4-5 months to allow it to mature and learn to come back when it's told. My russel is 6 years old and he still has the odd chase where the deaf ears come back to him but 99% of the time
  24. It might sound daft, but a good way to gain dominance over a dog, is pretend to eat first from its rations at feed time, if the dog comes too close growl at it. Dominant members of the pack eat first , it's a language he'll understand.
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