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Everything posted by romany52

  1. No mate, they don't need water overnight. I kept them for years without mate, they were fine.
  2. It's right though, I really don't want to sound like I'm trying to start trouble or moan, but it's just a pointer to people who don't think everything through, then have to rush about trying to get the tails docked. Hi All I am quite capable of docking them myself i have done enough terrier and spaniel pups in the past but two of the people who want pups want it done legal one is an airline pilot the other a fairly high ranking copper they both come ratting with me and don't want to be answering awkward questions in the future.It is ok for people who have nothing to lose( dolies and dosse
  3. layers pellets , they lay daily, used it for years , no probs.
  4. I assume it's not an ejector model , It could be the mechanism that lifts the shells clear, sticking or jamming, I would look there first.
  5. That's half the problem mate folks breed from any collie, you've got to get the right type. Some collies are built like labs , some like whippets. Use your loaf.
  6. Just to put some of these sighting into perspective, I saw one case where a lion had been seen on a canal tow path, it was videoed, by the time the police got there it was gone. they searched the area and eventually found it. The video evidence confirmed it to be the same animal. Now this lion even had an owner, it turned out to be a large ginger tom.
  7. I'm with you on this one, big cats are not that elusive, they've got to shit, sent mark, there is no mistaking the smell of cat piss. Plus, females on heat can be heard for miles, if they were there, there would be no secret we would know , and the marks on that horse look nothing like big cat scratches. have to disagree with you on that one. in the paper a few weeks back it was saying about a man that made a documentry on big cats in britain. he collected so much evidence that the program wasnt allowed to be broadcasted because they would fear what the reaction of the public would be.
  8. I never visited Abbotts, mine came by rail, at the time I'd never seen greyhounds, I just took a chance . when I opened the box I was stunned, I'd had ferrets since the age of 8 and I'd never seen anything like these. As I said before, my whole stock of 40 were stolen. Romany you must've been gutted mate,that must've knocked you back a bit.I now take animal thievery very seriously and i have taken extra precautions since i had dogs stolen,it will never happen again,did you retsock or did it take a while before you did restock again? Higgins. I was gutted mate, I've also had dogs st
  9. I'm with you on this one, big cats are not that elusive, they've got to shit, sent mark, there is no mistaking the smell of cat piss. Plus, females on heat can be heard for miles, if they were there, there would be no secret we would know , and the marks on that horse look nothing like big cat scratches.
  10. I'd tend to agree with you, except that it'd be behaviour/competence that would be weeded out not genes. There's no difference in the genes of polecats and the genes of ferrets. The only difference is their behaviour, and competence at living in the wild. And before anyone asks why it is possible to differentiate between ferrets and polecats using DNA analysis, that uses mitochondrial DNA not nuclear DNA. Either way mate, in a few generations you won't tell the difference. And anyway, numbers fell so low, the new blood could well be of benefit to their future.
  11. Seriously, it's all sight hound, so you can add whatever you fancy.
  12. The right of a tenant to control ground game is a legal one, the land owner cannot stop him , even if the landowner retains the sporting rights. For the landowner to retain ground game rights, the tenant would have to enter into a voluntary agreement.
  13. . . . . and the answer is - the best dog you can find. I hear flotex is really good.
  14. My sentiments entirely, that's why I like my falconry, the kill is just a small, but necessary part of the whole experience.
  15. I never visited Abbotts, mine came by rail, at the time I'd never seen greyhounds, I just took a chance . when I opened the box I was stunned, I'd had ferrets since the age of 8 and I'd never seen anything like these. As I said before, my whole stock of 40 were stolen.
  16. he;s mine deerhound greyx he,s 29-30tts hes a cracker of a dog mate, does he do his job well atb poacherman he is mint at everything he does,i would,nt change this x ever i started with and i,ll die by, it bull deerhounds are the best allrouder you can have i,ve got 3 well thats my opion Are they first cross, they don't look like it.
  17. Are they not on some Scottish island though, where there no wild polecats.
  18. It's already happened. You don't think your average medieval ferreter got all their ferrets back do you? well I going on the thought that a ferret would die in the wild a hybrid would more likely to suvive. Maybe my concern on this are unfounded. I don't think it really matters mate , the eu polecat is a product of it's environment, if ferret genes got in they would be weeded out again by that same environment in a few generations, like no doubt has happened many times in the past.
  19. I've seen a dog take day time fallow that was lucky if it ever took a hare, I saw the same dog take down a donkey and hold it by the throat. Don't no if that proves anything, but it's a fact.
  20. Ended up too hard???? So f*****g what, if there were more Borders like that the breed wouldn't be in such a shit state as it is. You obviously haven't got a clue or you're talking shit Not talking shit, most folk want to dig or bolt the fecking fox, for which he was fine to begin with, but eventually reached the stage where he would go strait in kill and come off, that's not what you want if your doing it for sport, pest control fair enough but at the time a lot of my digging was with fox hounds, a killing terrier is the last thing they want on a dig. Sounds like your the one talking sh
  21. Don't want to upset anyone but Oliver Is a black eyed white with a summer coat. He is one big ferret( or a very narrow stairway). Harley is of smeller breeding without the dark eyes with a winter coat. They are both to short in the leg and have the wrong shaped head to be g/hounds, but very nice ferrets all the same.P1 I'd agree with that, except I'd call them pale silvers The greyhounds of old had a wide head, wide between the ears but not very deep almost like they'd been flattened a bit. I know I've said it before, but they were stoat size and shape.
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