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Everything posted by romany52

  1. Get a book on training gun dogs mate, It will tell you all you need to know.Hand signals, whistle ,the lot.
  2. mary dillon does a good version of this. Yeh , I know mate, love her, and Cara.
  3. romany52


    i normaly use a bag of sugar but just didnt think yesterday. it wont happen again mate . cheers mick It's easy done with electronics mate, mine played up a couple of times, once with damp and once with a piece of gravel stuck in 'em.
  4. Have a listen to this , I've heard it loads of times and I still fill up every single time. About John Condon, the youngest solder to die in the first would war, he stole his older brothers id to sign on with.
  5. romany52


    I keep a weight by the scales, goes on before any bird is weighed, even a stone will do if you know it's weight. Glad you got her back mate.
  6. It's a very bad idea to put newly acquired ferrets in with your own, especially when you don't even know where they've come from! You should quarantine them for awhile, you don't know what you may be introducing to your stock.
  7. There is no way of knowing what percentage of what is in the pup mate, having said that, one parent is all sight hound so providing the parents a decent workers you can't really go wrong.
  8. Doesn't need to be a working greyhound , it's prey drive that makes them race.
  9. It's a common thing in a young dog just starting, in fact I would say it's desirable in a rabbiting dog for the first few outings , it usually means they won't be hard mouthed, he will soon learn to keep hold.
  10. It should be remembered that these students won't even be affected by the changes, they stuck their necks out for others. A great pity we don't see more doing the same, instead of this, I'm alight jack, attitude.
  11. Catcher, I agree with what you've said %100. I really couldn't give a good sh!t who claims the dole in all honesty. If they're happy being handed crumbs rather than earning a decent wage then that's up to them as far as I'm concerned. All these proposals by the government of how they're going to shame those who claim the dole and FORCE them to work is short sighted and quite frankly a disgrace IMO. They're more or less comparing those on benefits to someone who has committed a crime and has been given community service as a result. Trying to embarrass people into going to work will nev
  12. If it's not what he's used to, that could be the reason, when you get a pup you should feed what it's been reared on,then if you want to change, do it gradually. If he seems well apart from the runs , as has been said, starve and I would find out what it was reared on and go back to that for awhile . If he is looking sorry for himself, get him to the vets.
  13. Your right, absolutely disgraceful, having said that, they still look healthier than the fat ferret in your avatar, that is also disgraceful. I hope it's not yours. Certainly not mine! That's all right then !
  14. I ran a pure deerhound and a couple of first crosses, I found them very disappointing. I'm not saying deer hound crosses are no good , but I'm convinced that any merits they may have doesn't come from the deerhound.
  15. It could well be second cross saluki, it's got the leg and that tail looks very saluki.
  16. Why would you want deerhound in a lurcher, prey drive ! stamina !
  17. I'm not sure if this country has ever seen full employment, but I'm pretty sure it won't ever see full employment again. The powers that be would never want to see full employment, imagine if there were say, 6 jobs for every potential worker, you would be able to name your price ! but what is more likely, is that they would import cheap labour, as they do now. This country needs the unemployed to function. The system relies on the fact that workers can't just walk if they're not satisfied, there is nowhere to walk to ! How else are bosses going to keep wages down for the minions. Scarcity of j
  18. Your right, absolutely disgraceful, having said that, they still look healthier than the fat ferret in your avatar, that is also disgraceful. I hope it's not yours.
  19. So send them all to work ! pay them minimum wage, problem solved, they're no longer on benefits ! But they're already doing that it's called the public sector, and they cant afford that any more, so they are going put the public sector on the dole and then use the doleys for slave labour ! You couldn't make up ! ffs.
  20. I've always thought folk should work for their benefits mate, but they should at least get minimum wage ! Lets face it if they were working for minimum wage it wouldn't be benefits would it. Sorted ! If they can find 'em the work, they should find them the fecking wages !
  21. I've always thought folk should work for their benefits mate, but they should at least get minimum wage ! Lets face it if they were working for minimum wage it wouldn't be benefits would it. Sorted ! If they can find 'em the work, they should find them the fecking wages !
  22. Just seen on local news , in many areas of Wales there are well over 2000 people chasing just over a 100 vacancies, Now even a fecking monkey can do the maths!
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