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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. Ideation


    Goats sound good. Do they strip tree bark?
  2. The conception of 'shooters' is interesting. I guess it depends who you meet. I'm sure if you did a pool there would be more sgc's held by normal, ordinary working class and country folk, who just did a bit of rough or vermin shooting, than by wealthy game shooters from the upper classes. . . . However, having had the opportunity to visit some very big estates in recent years on shoot days across the country . . . . . i'd have to admit that at the top of the tree, the driven shooting world is full of arseholes, obviously there are some very sound folk as well . . . . but there is
  3. Ideation


    She needs me for my never ending supply of dogs and animals to paint
  4. Ideation


    Yer it's mad, and you could make a lot of coin. . . . but I just couldn't bring myself to do it . . . . both the ethics and dealing with morons would put me off!
  5. Ideation


    Aye, I reckon she's getting better! Hopefully one day she will be famous and I'll be the house husband
  6. Ideation


    I'm running out of places to hang paintings
  7. Ideation


    Ok well i've got a cocker dog. So I just need a half dozen poodle bitches. . .
  8. RAW - Out of interest, what kind of price? My last lot I managed to blag some for about 6.50 for 10 kilos I think. If you want milk you can have it, it's no good for humans though. Comes straight out the cow and its just been milked and poured away at the moment. FOD - I've done Old Spots and I've done saddle backs and saddle back crosses, I'm heading to market on thursday and also again next week, so will try for a bit of variety. Also going to pick up some pie train x land race as they are the commercial lean white pig and I fancy having a go at crossing one with a traditional breed
  9. Ideation


    TF - Well . . . . i did ponder a long those lines. I was going to get a load of old clapped out greyhound bitches though and knick a half dozen farm collies as studs. . . . . . . . . . I can see a gap in the market!
  10. Ideation


    Bees are interesting - we've got some hives on the estate that some folk come and do stuff with and it looks fascinating. I've also got an aussie mate who set up and urban apiarist busies, he installs hives on city buildings in australia and make a good living from urban bee farming lol. Tomo - one of my bosses sons is trying to get into the glamping game and has got some cool pageantry tents, and is going for some kind of medieval theme. I've thought of it, but would rather not have other folk there for the time being and cant be arsed with the whole business route. If I was going to
  11. Ideation


    Raw i've got 1500 acres of protected ground next door for anyone who wants to send me any hares. . . . . They all got killed a long time ago, but we have good land for it and a new 'friendly' policy
  12. Ideation


    Well, I already keep pigs on the ground. Off to market for some more on thursday. If i get it more permanently, i'll fence the whole lot in (rather than creating paddocks out of it as I have been) and turn the pigs loose to clear the ground. Then poultry and a couple of polly tunnels are the plan, and maybe plant some fruit trees, and try to dig in a pond. I was trying to figure out if once the pigs had cleared it, if it would go back to grass naturally, or if I could plough it up and seed it for grass, and eventually get a couple of sheep on it. . . . at the moment there is no grazing
  13. Yer 90.00 is about what I figure. Sold a bit last year for 60-70. . . . folk said too cheap. Mine free range, and get a daily feed of fruit/veg and grower pellets. Can get an unlimited supply of cows milk as well
  14. Ideation


    Looking for some ideas (I have a few already) for a project. You've got just over three acres of land, it's very rough, mostly bramble and bracken, odd tree dotted about. The land is sloping, but gets good sun. Also has a water source. Was fenced in, but the fence is mostly collapsed now. What would you do short term and long term? Both in terms of enjoyment and also profit? Just looking for some ideas as I may find myself owning such a piece of ground.
  15. I rear a few pigs from time to time and folk often ask me about buying half a pig. I was just wondering what folk thought was a fair price? I slaughter them as porkers, at around 60-65 kilo live weight?
  16. Thought this was going to be another one of those money making ideas. . . .
  17. Not sure, but would imagine that a springer x staff would not be the most vocal of dogs? I know spaniels can be prone to a few yips when hot, but I've always found staffs pretty mute? Not saying they would be, just a thought
  18. We don't have a single hare on the estate I keeper on. . . . . which is a real shame, as we have some good land for it, and the pest control is well managed. I'd love to get a small population here, and manage them. . . .
  19. Well. . . . isn't this emotional. Just thought i'd throw in my tuppence worth. . . . . The shooting of hares on mass is always going to be an emotive subject. At the end of the day it's dressed up like a sporting day out, and i'm sure there are plenty that relish blasting over the big bunnys en masse. . . . . . but for most who have been around it, they realise that it's the over all organisation that is the challenge, rather than the actual killing. It's a cull. . . . no more, no less. There is a big difference in many ways, between culling hundreds every year, keeping the popula
  20. Not shaved in 12 years. Just hack at it with a scissors occasionally . . . .
  21. Some dogs are just odd, like some people. . . . . A lot of the time they do grow out of it. You want to try to spend as much time with her as possible, building up a great bond, so even if she is timid and nervous, she sees you as sanctuary, her safe place. You will have to be careful in training her, try not to raise your voice too much or get physical etc. Some dogs are just odd though, my young bitch is confident as you like, full on and a bundle of energy. . . . i've never raised a hand to her etc, but if I make a loud noise of sudden move, she drops like i'm about to beat
  22. Local Paper. Mc Donalds Rat Infestation. Job done. . .
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