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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. Sorry mate, not interested in shooting them
  2. Ask him to reverse a trailer then you'll see how smart he is. ..... What do you think I have the mrs for? She's more than a pretty picture
  3. I totally agree Moxy, and that's why I said 'a lot of folk' rather than everyone. . . . . I keep an air rifle and in the right circumstances etc, they can be used to take a lot of game. But in comparison to a day hitting them with say, ferrets and nets. . . . a walk with the air rifle . . . . . is usually a lot lot less productive.
  4. Ideation


    Aye Paulus, the way in which we deal with institutionalised people, especially vulnerable young people, in this country. . . . is horrific. When you compare it to other countries, such as Denmark or Germany, it's no wonder we have such a high rate of care leavers failing. . . . .
  5. Ideation


    Been writing a thing on fostering. . . . it's great when you get good folk doing it. But unfortunately you get some who just do it for the cash, and the poor kids are treated like crap.
  6. I hope Jose had small fingers. . . .
  7. Occasional drug taker? Like just on the weekends? I've never stood out on here for feck all mate. . .and i'm happy for that. I could do without being a THL celebrity. Just look at the grief it causes!
  8. It's funny, because I HAVE had land owners who just want control, and are quite happy to see some around, asking me to leave a certain number. Also have land owners who ask me to stop once they start breeding. . . .although I usually do on most of my land anyway, as we hit them hard enough during the season. In general if they are seeing the results of your work, they tend to be happy. And if you know your ground, you know what you can take off without irreversibly damaging it. Having said that, some places do want a total eradication, and if that's what they want, i'm happy enough to
  9. Funnily enough. . . . that was actually an auto correct. My phone makes your name into Gas. . . . Gaz. If that constitutes 'picking on someone' . . . . . they've had a nice life Ocset . . . . expert . . . . yes. . . . instant. . . . no No, i'm no expert, and I don't pretend to be. . . . i'm just lucky enough that there are so many fools on here. . . they make me look real smart sometimes.
  10. Aye, I like that, let them see a few breeds and see what clicks with them. How old are they?
  11. Would you say that the guys house was a public place? I do agree that in many situations such a dog would be a liability. But it sounds like the bloke had got a guard dog to guard his house and to deal with anyone that is found within the house, who has not been 'sanctioned' by the owner. It seems to only 'nail' those people. So seemingly it does it's job, it does what it's 'trained' to do.
  12. Knowing my luck. . . . some one would nick it for firewood!
  13. Ring Him. I'd imagine so, the guy is top notch.
  14. Classic BAW. Even in admitting he is wrong, he'll still try to tell you you were.
  15. I would imagine. . . . . .true to form. . . . . he's had one more bunny than whoever has had the most. The single saddest thing i've ever seen on here was the 102 frozen rabbits. And being the saddest moment on THL takes some doing!
  16. Well no. . . . . because assumedly. . . . that situation would not happen would it? It's like me saying I have a dog trained to catch rabbits and return them to me. When its running rabbit I cannot stop it. . . . so is that untrained? Or is it trained because it's doing what I want it to in a given situation, as I do not require it to stop mid chase. That same dog, to another man, who wanted a dog to flush to the gun, and so not chase . . . . . would be untrained, same situation, different requirement, and so different ideas of what 'trained' would be. SO out of interest, why would
  17. Bored as feck BAW! And yes I am on medication And you saying that it's ME who jumps into other conversations.
  18. Who are you talking to? The crowd? Edited to add - Do you call them mates? Or do they call you a mate? lol.
  19. Ok so would you not say that the guys guard / protection dog, is not doing what he wants in any given situation. Case closed. lol. P.S - You added the extra "no matter if they are friend or foe they are getting nailed". Apparently not as accip is still alive to tell the tale I love the way that you are RIGHT another mans dog isn't trained properly, because its not how you would have said dog. Despite the fact that the dog obviously ticks the boxes for its owner and from what accip says sounds well enough handled, socialised, trained etc. But it's not how YOU would do it.
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