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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. No offence but if you were lamping my ground without asking me i'd be pretty pissed off - as would anyone on here, and you'd be pissed off if you found me on your permission . . . . Jai.
  2. To be honest we hammer the land 3 days a week or more and lamp 3-5 nights during the season so it's fine to stop over summer and not one land owner is bothered. Jai.
  3. Yer thats my thoughts, but actually pork isn't good for them even though they will eat it. The high salt content makes it dangerous. Jai.
  4. Few shavings on bottom, shredded paper, it's really clean.
  5. Wiring the door up is a cracking idea.
  6. Get yourself a shotgun, roll of bin liners and some gaffer tape, and make friends with someone who owns pigs, just incase you see him again. OR Try and get hold of the nastiest, meanest most aggressive attack dog you can and put it in your dogs place and let the wee scrotum let it out. Jai.
  7. Hmmmmmm . . . i've got a bunch of fallow scraps that i was going to give them, i'll give it a try but i think the dogs might appreciate it more. Jai.
  8. Talk to Wullie on here he runs a feret rescue near you and knows a lot. Atb Jai.
  9. Can ferrets eat it? Jai.
  10. See thats why i asked, because i love day time hunting, especially if its in an area thick with different game. Lamping is great, but your watching the dog run, in the day you watch it hunt and run, and its the hunting that i love. Jai.
  11. It's not a husky. Truth be told has anyone who has seen them run had a bad word to say? The most noise on here seems to come from those that know the least. And just to say i don't own one of these dogs, didnt breed them, and did not know these guys until after i saw a picture of the dogs and asked to see it run. They very nicely took me out and i would have one of these dogs no questions. I know it seems like a slightly odd cross but f*ck me it works. Also of course no one is going to put pictured of them working up, your opinion isnt important enough to do anything silly like that. J
  12. Kevin, your embarrassing yourself mate, speaking about what you know nothing. You ever even seen a malamute in real life? Owned one? Brought it on for working? Crossed it with a greyhound? Brought on several of the pups and entered them on game? In fact do you know much about working dogs or dogs in general? NO? What a surprise! Now run a long like a good little boy and play with traffic. atb Jai.
  13. That sucks man, some people have no soul. Was it a student there you reckon? Jai.
  14. Yer mate remember they are blind for about 5 weeks, and the jill can get really funny if you disturb her and may kill them. The best bet is to house her somewhere quiet, leave her well alone and just feed her. Most of the time i don't see my kits until they start coming out of the nest box. Just let nature take it's course. atb Jai. Any photos of jill and hob?
  15. You can, but a lot of folk stop during summer to let the rabbits breed and also so they dont spend everytime digging to nests of kits or pregnant does that wont bolt. Also many of the sets are covered over with vegetation. I ferret September to March and only do it when its completely neccessary for pest control during the summer (and usually there is a better method - i.e - snares, dogs, gun) Sorted. Jai.
  16. I also reckon that if you bring the dog into the game running on its own then thats all it knows and it gets the job done fine. It might miss a couple at the start but it soon learns, just like any other quarry. Jai.
  17. If a mate of mine was getting a pasting i'd intervene read what i said properly. If he is capable of handling it himself no need to be a thug and jump in and gang up. When you've had to save someones life because three blokes have ganged up on him for virtually no reason you to may get pissed of with comments about jumpin in. Especially as the relevance to this topic is diddly squat. I like the original post am interesting in hearing experienced lurcher owners views. I also would like to know how the ban has effected methods of hunting with lurchers. As if i read it right you can use a dog to
  18. Keeps asking weird questions on most sections. Jai.
  19. Never had any problems. The landowners know we're there to control rabbits but aren't exactly unhappy if something else jumps up and gets itself accidently killed. No one ever sees it that would report it. There are few people where we hunt. In fact we are lucky to see one in ten trips. Jai.
  20. Might sound and odd question but who here only lamps with their dogs? Does anyone not lamp at all and only run their dogs day time? Who just bushes to terriers? Who does it all? Just wondered, especially with all this talk of all rounders cos it's not just quarry that makes an all rounder. But also sometimes its best to have dog for one job and to be very good at that job, and maybe if your lucky having more dogs for more jobs. . . . Fire away. Jai.
  21. Now i don't read the Daily Mail but yesterday someone brought a copy round to my house as they thought i might be interested in one of the articles. I turned to page 15 and there was a full page spread on ferrets! Entitle - "Paris Hilton has one. So does Jonathan Ross. But, says ROBIN PAGE, who's spent a lifetime hunting with them, no ferret should have to suffer being owned by a celebrity." The article goes on to talk about the craze of ferret keeping by famous folk, including the above mentioned, madonna and george cloney. Apparently Britains first 'Ferret survey' has been carried ou
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