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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. As i said where it is necessary pest control with good reason its acceptable. And it wasnt particularly aimed at you, it was a general comment, which led from me suggesting that during summer months you find that the rabbits have more membrane and fatty deposits due to pregnancy (in answer to your original question - and yes soaking in salt works). I too would shoot them if my horse broke its leg in a burrow, but i would also fill all of the holes and lamp it with a rifle everyday until i had completely cleared it. Still dont make me feel any better about doing it. Don't doubt you
  2. Ah, good old americans . . . taking everything SO literally.
  3. It's like the search for the 100 a day bags! That's a lot of gutting and skinning! Jai.
  4. They didnt do very well because they are right wing, racist, bigoted, ignorant, lacking in any real substance and generally shady as f*ck. Most of their supporters were probably too busy in the local police station or battering foreigners to get around to voting. THANK F*CK! Jai.
  5. If its a job and its pest control then fair enough, its got to be done but ferrets are not the best way in summer. Far too many folk cry pest control however as just a means of excusing the fact that they cant stop them selves during breeding season and dont give a f*ck. To be honest it just sickens me a wee bit killing any animal during breeding season. And id rather take bags of 50+ in winter. atb Jai.
  6. Yes they CAN but their main breeding season is spring/summer and thats when your out killing pregnant/milky does and half growns. Unless it's absolutely necessary it just shows a basic lack of respect for your quarry, the countryside and its cycles. I'm guessing your pretty young? atb Jai.
  7. Also the rabbits are in poor condition during breeding season. Jai.
  8. Aye i fully accept that most of the old Romany are lovely folk and know more about the countryside and its ways than most of us. When i put that comment up i was strictly referring to the kind of new age travelers that ARE well known to steal dogs and pass them to other sites out of the area. Plenty of non travellers steal dogs, but travelers are definitely a good place to start of there are sites in your area. And yer Trisha i know that its really dodgy to go poking about the sites but thats the problem isnt it 'even if you are in the right' and know that your dogs are there you cant go g
  9. Sorry i'm going to have to say it - get down any local traveller sites asap - just in case they have em and will be moving them to a different part of the country. Jai.
  10. Don't think its about the money mate. I'd be highly suspicious of giving a ferret kit to an idiot and only an idiot would pay extra for color. Jai.
  11. Aye i know that, i was just confused by conflict between wanting to carry out an action to keep hunting permission and that action being to 'get rid' of all the quarry on said hunting permission. and yes stubby i DO know how to gas rabbits, but thank you for the info anyhow. atb Jai.
  12. or build yourself a lure machine - summer project! Jai.
  13. Try a bit of swimming - good exercise, cools em down and gets em washed. Jai.
  14. Its exactly the same as training it to flush to the gun, only you wont need to train her to retrieve as the lurcher will hopefully be doing that bit. Jai.
  15. . . . And Super Sam takes AWESOME pics of his AWESOME dogs!
  16. No mate but it HAS changed my perception of other dog men and the whole hunting scene. . . . and this had depressed me and made me avoid other dog men to be honest. Jai.
  17. Aye man fair play i just thought you were having a pointless pop after i'd said that the tone was a bit off. Still stand by what i said but should have been more articulate and less ranty! And yes there are plenty of resident experts/idiots on here - the lurcher section is rife! Sorry matey - :kiss: Jai.
  18. Does no one break their dogs to cats? Saves A LOT of hassle. atb Jai.
  19. To be fair its one lads word against another with no proof or even a proper story and at the moment the dude who said he had '1000' quids worth of damage sounds like he might be talking shit or maybe he would have ACTUALLY TOLD US WHAT THE LAD DID? Stop jumping on the bandwagon and insulting people with NO FACTS. atb Jai.
  20. To be fair its one lads word against another with no proof or even a proper story and at the moment the dude who said he had '1000' quids worth of damage sounds like he might be talking shit or maybe he would have ACTUALLY TOLD US WHAT THE LAD DID? Stop jumping on the bandwagon and insulting people with NO FACTS. atb Jai.
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