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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. I have always used hemp for years and if well looked after they will last well - they do rot if left wet mind. I think at the end of the day i just find them pleasing personally - they feel right in the hand. They are tough to tangle even when trying to re-net up quick in cover . Nylon tangles. . . . its hard to see when its a wee bit tangled over the hole and thats when it wont purse, they are also tough to spin out quickly when needing to re-net quick. One other thing if you lose hemp when out it will rot away whereas a nylon will remain out there a potential problem for livestock etc e
  2. Yes you could put a good dog to a sh*t bitch and still end up with a good pup due to the random selection of chromosomes leaning toward the dog (i.e - dog having the dominant chromosomes in the pairing) - with more of the dogs traits being expressed. However this would be random chance and when this offspring was later mated the mothers weaker traits could be expressed more heavily in the second litter. . . . . this is also why longterm breeding plans need to rely on more than one good sire - they require good grandsire/dam.
  3. To be honest mate its been said - both parents have a pair of chromosomes for everything - sex, color, size etc etc etc and when they are mated they pass on ONE CHROMOSOME EACH to their offspring - but this is totally at random. The physical expression of these pairings is down to recessive/dominant chromosomes. Line breeding is used to pair dog/bitch that carry similar chromosomes with similar dominant/recessive expressions and so are more likely to pass on a more uniform and controllable mix of genetics to their offspring. Does that make any sense? Due to this when breeding any animal you sh
  4. All very well but you cant really socialize a pup or form a bond with it stuck in a kennel 9 hours a day and all night. To be honest you have to be responsible if you dont have the time to do it right you probably shouldnt get a dog. Its tough but for the best.
  5. Yes. Good. Kills what you hit well.
  6. Thats because you said it in your first post.
  7. Yer those collars protect them from the boars tusks and teeth - they can get pretty knocked up otherwise! And as far as i'm aware the bull arabs original make up was something like Bull Mastiff, Pointer and Greyhound, however it's called a Bull 'ARAB' because people argue that the running dog in the original make up was Saluki. www.boardogs.com - a very good site with some excellent blokes who have some crazy stories!!! atb Jai.
  8. I've seen some excellent bushing terriers but i think i would still pick a springer (or if you want something smaller a cocker). Both can do the job well but i think the springer has the capability to reach a higher level of obediance and training than many terriers. . . and also they tend to be a little bit more steady. Ideally a good spaniel can be trained to never chase but will find every bit of game hiding and put it up, and then keep out of the way while it is dealt with (gun, lurcher, hawk etc). I also tend to find that they can be more systematic with the way they work cover and as for
  9. Please mate - this is crazy. . . . i thought we were friends. . . .whats this about - surely not just over an argument on a website???

  10. All i meant was its between the two of them . . . they're family and no one else on here is really in a position to pass comment against either.
  11. Two words. . . . . . . . . . .Ant and Dec
  12. If your not going to take her word for what her dogs have done why take her brothers word for what her dogs have not done and what he has? If that makes sense? Don't know either but then again he IS her brother and for seemingly little reason has come on attacking her quite harshly and trying to show her up in public. . . . . with family like that.. . . who needs enemies. Whos to say he isnt bitter for some personal reason? Not saying he is but you cant just jump on his bandwagon. . . atb Jai.
  13. I'm sure the farmers would agree with you on the wolves thing too , not only would they have to contend with loses to foxes but now even a bigger threat to livestock with the introduction of them. Beautiful animal i agree but no place in UK anymore. Yes i totally agree that it wouldn't be a wise idea - i'm just saying that i would love it to happen BOTH due to their natural beauty and the joy of going out to watch them and also for the joy of hunting them (and i wouldn't choose a gun in a million years).
  14. "To take an animal just as a trophy is bloody outrageous"....... . What a f*****g stupid statement to make on a hunting forum. Naaaaaw mate, trophy hunting is a bit souless - its like the folk going out to try and shoot the one white stag just to say they shot it.
  15. The attitude of - if lots of folk don't have it - it's obviously sh*t is just foolish. Popularity does not confer ability or quality. Look at Mcdonalds - consumed by people EVERYWHERE by the TON - does that make it the best food or the most enjoyable? atb Jai.
  16. A world where we have killed all the predators would be pretty sad world. . . . when they need controlling it gets done, but who wants a world devoid of the fox and other natural marvels and only populated by mankind, pheasants and sheep? Anyone who cannot see the beauty in watching a fox stalk its prey or feel a certain sense of 'good on ya' when you hear one nail a rabbit in a dark wood must be lacking in something . . . If i could re-introduce wolves in my area i would . . . . i'd love to see them about and get the chance to watch them do their thing in the wilds of the u.k. But i'd al
  17. What happens if no one claims them in 7 days? pts? atb Jai.
  18. Welcome to the age of the internet expert. To be honest i avoid other dogmen/hunters like the plague. But then maybe i'm paranoid? or just anti-social? I'm lucky enough to have only ever met one person from here and he is sound as can be and now my permanent ferreting/lamping buddy and lives ten mins away . . . . so you can get lucky! atb Jai.
  19. The rodenator should be banned - if you have ever seen it used . . . . it's just sickening. No one likes to see rabbits trying to flee from a burrow with all their fur on fire. Your meant to clear the burrow first but no one does. . . . . . . . . . and they ban hunting with dogs cos its 'cruel'. Jai.
  20. Ideation, it was a bit of both really. Had a call the day before from the estate, I said I would go, and the chat was that exciting that i couldn't sleep, and also i was getting bullied in there.... so off i went. Good trainig for the pup Ideation. Fair play matey, when its got to be done its got to be done, just the way you put it originally it sounded like you just went out cos you fancied a shine and were a bit bored, which is your call but i find a bit. . . . .well . . . . . out of interest, and this aint meant as a dig, were they all adult rabbits? atb Ja
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