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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. I shoot one or two most days when in the woods in the evening, as they come into land above. Or just hearing the tell tale coo - freeze and scan then shoot.
  2. To be fair most of us know that the folk who go out to africa to shoot a lion are over paid middle aged executive types who want a big trophy for their wall and to feel a big man. They are not really hunters - they are led to the shot and just pull the trigger. It's an ego thing and a money thing. And no i dont really see the point in shooting a leopard or lion unless it is in some way causing damage? What you hunt you should be able to eat or it is infringing on something you wish to protect not cos it makes you feel like your dick is not 3 inches long. And no sgs just because i dont like the
  3. Good point, but it could be a (some what ill advised) means of raising a few quid for the rescue? I'm not saying it is, i'm just saying its not definatly not. If that makes sense? Lets hear them out first maybe?
  4. Could it not be a ferret rescue? I know we all like getting irate and shouty but chill out for a minuite.
  5. 3 more ferrets. Yay!

  6. Yer there used to be a bounty for taking the tails in to the local council offices etc. Although i do it for free i would be happy with a bounty as it would be a tidy little earner, just counting the squirrals shot with the .410 i must kill over 50 a month easy. However there is always the chance it would take idiots into the countryside looking for a bounty!
  7. Irish Bred', 'Farm Bred', 'Keeper Bred' it's all just sales patter. All you need to know is - the sire and dam can do the job you wish of your pup and also its nice to know that the grand and great grand sire.dam were also top. That is all that matters. End of.
  8. sorry mate,yeah your right,never caught a rabbit in a snare before,must try harder to know it all,forgot if you dont do it and follow the crowd your wrong,but hey you know better,at least i know where to get wire for tealers you cock,you sorted out your insulation yet for your kennels,god help us watchmen id be suprised if you had ever snared a rabbit in your life, and by the way mate got the Kennels sorted and got some fence wire so i can make my own snares. its not following the band wagon its just the best way of doing it, if you want nocked snares and to waste youre time carry on doin
  9. Both silvers and bews do sometimes suffer from genetic problems and perhaps more so than other colours. . . .
  10. is up on Birker Fell!

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-nQ7xP0Ivg&feature=related listen all the way through. . .
  12. Don't matter if your the thief or its your mates 'all that is needed for evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing'. . . . . . . and it happens all the time.
  13. is going to Cumbria to climb Scarfell Pike!

    1. bleachtastesnice


      Smashing the 3 peeks mate?


    2. Ideation


      Just the one this time!

  14. Just found this . . . Angora ferrets came into existance when a Swedish breeder noticed his ferrets had a mutation. This mutation caused the ferrets to have longer hair on their back legs and rear of their bodies. This Swedish breeder sold their ferrets to a Norway fur farm/breeder that eventually produced the current breed of angora ferret. Although no proof exist it is thought that continuous inbreeding to keep the angora line alive caused some negative traits like a difficulty to breed, kits not being nursed by the female's (jill's) and non performance of the males (hobs). The female a
  15. Yer they were selectively bred this way i guess and they are probably riddled with genetic problems. Just look at the poor wee f****r. . . . makes you wanna go find the breeders and have a 'word'.
  16. Never seen one so i looked up some photos . . . . . . http://www.maferrets.org/forums/attachments/harry.jpg How sad is that?
  17. Ferrets kits or lurcher pup??? (Although i think Kay idea may be more suitable).
  18. 11. Your beating the combined forces of the west despite having no military training . . .
  19. It'd be great if it WAS just the ODD one.
  20. Sure......I have no doubt. But the c**ts were passionate ,too. What they lack are communication skills. You'd be amazed how more open to new ideas alot of people are after a good ass whipping. Fair point bro!
  21. Grow up you COCK. Whats with all this racist shit. And your other post about burning someones house down. Wind your head in you little CHAV. PRICKS like you ruin this site. If you cant post something sensible don't post anything at all. Kyle Aye - f**k off little hitler.
  22. AYe i get your point. . . . . . . but some of them are just c**ts
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