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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. Good luck buddy - talk to Ned Makim on here in the pig hunting section - the man knows a shit ton about hunting in oz.
  2. There is a guy on here who makes them from plastic - they look pretty good - can't remember his name though. But the guy in the pinned terrier section who makes plastic terrier boxes could probably make them?
  3. thanks for your post jai, im having great fun with them, im hoping to source somw roosters and that from a poltry farm soon, unlike britan ireland is having some pretty gash weather so im bieng pretty slack in shooting woodies. . . will do my best to get out over the week. No worries pal - was raining here in wales today. Quite good as it makes the woodies sit tighter in the trees. They were even sitting on the telegraph wire in my garden.. . . . . . Ferrets fed!
  4. I feed whole or part carcasses which i hang in the court - lets them have a play as well as feed, keeps the food off the ground and stops them dragging the whole caracass into the nest boxes. The main diet is rabbits and woodies - however its important to note that rabbit carries very little fat and so will not bulk on weight but will maintain. Pigeon however does carry fat and so is good for building them up - i pluck the feathers off the breasts and leave the guts in. I gut the rabbits. A big chest freezer is handy - everything you don't sell, eat etc through the winter goes in and shoul
  5. When it's proved its worth and when it's in season . . . . .
  6. Will you ever work all 19 in a season? Just out of interest?
  7. Having said all that not every small dog is capable of it. Correction - perhaps they are all capable but some certainly seem to just think 'what the F8CK am i meant to do with that, you daft c*nt!' and look at you like your mental!
  8. they're actually 200 quid mate.
  9. Also to note - they are not the dog/s i was talking about - so thats at least 4 beddyx at 18/19" that will take fallows including stags. Trigger - are they related to the ones i'm thinking about - PM me. I'm pretty sure we have friends in common.
  10. Thankyou trigger - no other f****r here was listening.
  11. Saw a Pine Martin yesterday in South Wales in the woods next to my house!!!!!
  12. O yes of course no animals were harmed during this process, they were mearly given a stiff telling off, told to stop playing silly buggers and get in the back of the van, pre ban.
  13. Yes i say, whether you believe or not isn't much concern of mine. And no - no pics of the dog - he isn't owned by me and the owner is really funny about talking about him. . . . . . . . for very good reason. We live in a small town world where you can find a big world of trouble when your dogs identified doing naughty things . . . . . .. Like i said the guy who owns him is on here and so are a few lads who can back up what i'm saying (at least 6).
  14. Don't worry about the breeding - people get too caught up with that shit. Find two dogs that excell at the jobs you want the pup to do and get a pup out of them, whatever the % it will do what it needs to if you do your part right.
  15. Chances of me posting / sending you pictures of that is 0% buddy.
  16. a whippet taking down a fully grown fallow buck ? id like to see that Didn't say it was a whippet - it's actually a beddy whippet first x and it can quite happily handle full grown fallow. It is actually used exclusively for that job and excells at it with many many witnesses. Although not used for rabbits we took him out to do them for some fun and i have not seen a dog work like it before. He's a ninja. The dog is about 7 i think. His litter brother was the same until he got killed doing it. Believe it or not but it is 100% true and its owned by someone on here! Laugh all you like
  17. O aye they will do them alright. I know a man who only keeps whippets and pretty much exclusively uses them to hunt fox single handed. They make short work of them and don't get too badly hurt. You just need to get the right dog. I have also seen a dog thats under 20 inch being used regular to pull down fallow, and it can deal with a stag no probs.
  18. Jackers are born from the actions of people not the actions of dogs.
  19. First things first give her some practice running through tubes etc. Then when shes not in season - take her out with the hob and let them run through a small set together. I've yet to come across a ferret that is TOTALLY un-inquisitive, i think they all will eventually take to running through warrens, although may never truly 'work' the tunnel network.
  20. There is no best - it;s just what works for you and what you like. At the end of the day its also down to what ferrets work well at their job. Ideally i like to keep 4 jills, one intact hob and one vac hob, with the two hobs being brothers. atb Jai.
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