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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. Not just in Yorkshire buddy. Keep getting funny looks when i'm doing the shopping in ma wellies and i realized the other day i was out in town and was actually using an old rope dog lead as a belt.
  2. With friends like you . . . . . .
  3. theres plenty on wolf crosses in south yorkshire, all you have to do is buy the local free adds. i remember seeing half akita x half wolf advertised. O aye You believe all you read in the papers? I got a werewolf x greyhound you can have here for the low low some of £500
  4. Also if it were true would there not be a litter of them running about.
  5. I'd want to know where the f**k he came up with a wolf to put over his bitch in south yorkshire?
  6. Sounds like a good pup you have mate and thats great. However just because you MAY get a good one is no reason to buy an animal that will hopefully be with you for ten years or more. I'd want good grafting parents. Also i think that to continue to support his puppy farm whist in the knowledge of what goes in there shows a lack of respect for lurchers and dogs in general. There are so many other options of where to get a pup from out there - why pick this one? Honestly - i think it's due to lack of knowledge or experience. Out of interest what initially led you to Hancocks door?
  7. Sounds like a good pup you have mate and thats great. However just because you MAY get a good one is no reason to buy an animal that will hopefully be with you for ten years or more. I'd want good grafting parents. Also i think that to continue to support his puppy farm whist in the knowledge of what goes in there shows a lack of respect for lurchers and dogs in general. There are so many other options of where to get a pup from out there - why pick this one? Honestly - i think it's due to lack of knowledge or experience. Out of interest what initially led you to Hancocks door?
  8. Anyhow those are neither as they both have banded face markings. Light poley.
  9. In that case we are going to need 13986 different names for all the shades of polecat.
  10. A sandy is sandy coloured all over and has no dark markings. At least thats what i thought. Then there is polecat which is to me anything with any form of polecat markings. And albino. Only recently did i discover bew/silvers and i think that's enough colours. It's getting like america - oh it's a light cinnamon sable. . . . . . riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Not a dig at you at all buddy! Just gets confusing.
  11. Yer i'm not sure about Mikes whippets having grey in them. It's possible of course. I've heard the rumors also but after speaking to the man . . . . . . .
  12. I love it all whippets are shit and if its not shit well then it's obviously not a whippet. Like any dogs there are good and bad. Bring them on right and they make great dogs, different than a lurcher, but then they are not a lurcher. Some with pure greys, most people refuse to run them because a lurcher is 'better' but everyone i know who has tried thinks they are great. Whippets are excellent and i rarely hear anyone say 'my whippet shivers or rips easy' it's always 'i been out with the best and they were no good etc' which is utter crap. If they were so useless or just a novelty they would
  13. Notice all the good dogs were owned 'years ago'. If you are set on a collie cross then use a good fast tough hill collie and a good working grey. People shouldn't buy pups off him just supports a puppy farm that treats it's dogs crap.
  14. Smart cross - more than capable of doing what you want but might decide it's not fussed. . . . . if that makes sense?
  15. Ah mate - that's a gutter. I feel for you.
  16. Would you believe thats what she whipped out on one of these '.....'s got talent' shows - and we get a dancing dog?
  17. Ask brookie on here it was his sons dog.
  18. Nice mate. Polecats though. Lightly marked but still polecats. What the f**k is a cinnamon ferret - sounds like a biscuit.
  19. Moleskins and shirt etc. Don't see the point of camo when its dark or when the quarry is underground?
  20. Mate - your paranoid and obsessive. Not all muslims are out to get you. Being a nazi thug is less determined by what you say but rather the way that you say it.
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