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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. What about game keepers turned poacher - have you ever experienced this? I have experience of a part time keeper / part time poacher - different attitudes to different folks land. Odd one that.
  2. I'd be interested seeing some of the last litter worked on yotes, i'm not sure how they would far on pace but from what i have seen they can out pace any quarry we have here.. . . . and they certainly don't lack the power. Would be an interesting experiment. Most of the knockers on here have no basis for comment what so ever and can't come up with any actual reason why the x wouldn't work.
  3. why would him mentioning his dog affect you? It doesn't i just wouldn't want the lad getting into trouble by posting this for the third time on an open forum. He sounds like a young un so may not realise. Relax. Just because something wont effect you doesn't mean you shouldn't try to help someone does it? As for the kit - do you have it already? If not i would leave it with the jill for another 2 weeks minimum, then it will have eyes open and will be able to take some solids. If you already have it - how are you feeding it. If you HAVE to have it then you will probably need to pi
  4. Ooooooooh and you've seen it run have you? Actually DO you run ANY dogs??? no i dont run any dogs mr fountian of knowledge always something to say you if i did run dogs they wouldent have any sledge dog in it Always something to say........ yes i do when i have some kind of experience or basis for comment. When i have f**k all idea what i'm talking about i keep my mouth shut. A skill you would do well to learn. Why breed dogs intended to herd sheep into a lurcher? Doesn't make much sense but works in practice. I admit malamute x grey is an unlikely combination but then i think t
  5. Ooooooooh and you've seen it run have you? Actually DO you run ANY dogs??? i here ther a great cross 1 rabbit outa slips your friend had He was taking the piss mate. He's 63 and knows what he is doing. The previous litter are all grafters. How about we don't comment on things we have no knowledge of and have never seen, or met anyone who has seen. Fair enough if you have experience of it and don't rate it, but i really don't think you have any basis for comment. You notice there has never been anyone on here who have seen them work who doesn't highly rate them? That should tell
  6. Ooooooooh and you've seen it run have you? Actually DO you run ANY dogs???
  7. 4 weeks is too young to seperate from the mother - like as not it's eyes wont even be open yet. Also once again we must tell you to stop mentioning your 'pitbull' cross - it's a banned breed.
  8. a husky Mate - you've never seen them run or infact ever seen the dogs or met the owners / breeders. In fact you have never been in the same country as a dog of this breeding. . . . . so i wouldn't comment
  9. Your right - i think a lot of the air rifle lads dont like the idea of spending a few hours lying on their belly in the snow.
  10. A kill's a kill in my eye I don't do it for sport more pest control that allows me to access land for shooting paper targets (I use the excuse of "I have to make sure the combo is zeroed! but really my sport is destroying bulls eyes) If I were to shoot bunnies for sport' I'd say young uns were more sporting as they have a smaller brain thus greater accuracy is required Phantom Good point on smaller brain but also you have to take into account the fact that they are somewhat retarded and notice danger a lot later than the adults. I think many air rifle men shoot from a st
  11. Hey mate. Is that the same way bred as Bryn and Flint??? If i didn't have a pup of same age i'd take it in a shot. Make sure it doesnt go to any idiots, they are too good to waste on fools.
  12. As long as it does the job it's good enough for me even if its square with pink spots.
  13. Good post lol, you have to remember that there is no one type of land that Salukis were bred in, yes a great many are used for hunting in vast open desert, but they also exist and hunt in countries in northern reaches of their range with landscape/terrain no different to here and hunting the same Hare, Fox, Badger and Roe Deer (of the larger Siberian type)plus dangerous quarry like Wolves and Boar which kill scores of dogs in these Northern regions, everyone automatically assumed Salukis are solely Desert/Hare/Gazelle dogs, not true at all. Nice video. Didn't someone say that th
  14. In that case we are going to need 13986 different names for all the shades of polecat. Polecats are black these are brown sandy colour. Surely they are sandy with black or dark markings which usually include a mask across the eyes? Polecats are not black all over - they display varying amounts of dark markings. This is a polecat ferret - http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/gallery/files/7/3/9/024.JPG I'd love to hear other folks opinion. Just out of interest?
  15. Think before you speak. Simple. Also - how's your dogs hearing? Albino pitbulls are largely deaf.
  16. there is also show breeding in them this is definite For some reason being 'KC' makes folk think it was bred for the show ring. Have you ever had the pleasure of owning or working one of his dogs or spent anytime around the man? go back in the bloodlines before u open [bANNED TEXT] mouth Your an aggressive wee f****r aint ya. I have some of his bloodlines sat next to me right now and have had the pleasure of discussing his breeding etc at length with him. How come you didn't answer my questions??
  17. there is also show breeding in them this is definite For some reason being 'KC' makes folk think it was bred for the show ring. Have you ever had the pleasure of owning or working one of his dogs or spent anytime around the man?
  18. Aye in your imagination. Take it that's not based on going out for lots good nights lamping and having them all ruined by a whippet not being able to hack it? Plenty of people use whippets to lamp all night. A friend of mine lives in a pretty inhospitable part of North Wales in the mountains on the coast and during winter when the frozen rain is whipping off the sea his whippets seem to have no problem 'retrieving' foxes all night several nights a week. If you've no experience don't comment.
  19. Fair enough buddy. This is what i'd call a sandy - http://floridaferrets.webs.com/ferret1.jpg atb Jai.
  20. theres plenty on wolf crosses in south yorkshire, all you have to do is buy the local free adds. i remember seeing half akita x half wolf advertised. O aye You believe all you read in the papers? I got a werewolf x greyhound you can have here for the low low some of £500 could you meet me in cardiff? Wherever you want buddy. I also have a wolverine x pat which is 156% underground and only £700. I'll sell you the two and throw in my harris x albatros (had a good season on the dodos with him), all for £1200. How's that sound?
  21. From what i've seen plenty of deer and PLENTY of fox but not many rabbits at all.
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