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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. Been doing a bit more work the last couple of days. Did some more fencing yesterday, and let the growers onto some new ground, as their patch was pretty bare (they are separated from the rest), they were happy as larry, and it should do them until they go off at the start of June. Also sold two weaners yesterday, so that was a good feeling, and a bit of fun loading and delivering two pigs. Then today, a friend came to play with his toys, and a lot happened really quick. He pulled apart the huge rubbish pile, and we separated the stuff to burn and the scrap and t
  2. In all seriousness they are great collars, my young bitch uses the whippets ss collar as a chew toy and its not damaged . . . .
  3. In my (limited experience) electric fencing has it's own issues. . . . i've managed to contain a few lots of pigs now with post and wire, with two strands of barb at the bottom, one pretty much buried. They do root out the bottom, and do sometimes try to push over, but for the most part they don't and I can usually block off any trouble spots with tin sheeting or wooden baton. But you are right eventually the day will come I have a break out. . . . Also, I totally agree with regard to space, what you can't see in these photos is the other paddocks being built. . . . Eventually they will h
  4. Now that's a bit unfair, we went out the other day and you looked proper countryide. . . . walking stick and all!
  5. Yer getting that big match bag of pig food off that wee gay trailer was a mission and a half! At the moment I'm feeding it dry and they love it, but been offered lots of free milk so might wet it with that. Mel - No mate, its just enjoying a scratch from the missus in the sun.
  6. Put it this way . . . . I don't get any hassle if i'm out with the dogs. . . If I see any antis I just say, quick. . . . go that way and distract them . . . . I'll get these poor dogs to safety.
  7. PS - In that case i'd be fascinated to know what it was? Bosun - I'm sure one day i'll look back and think. . . . wow I had so much hair back then. . . . . and such bad taste in jumpers. . . . And when I do i'll probably miss those dogs like hell
  8. Also managed to reduce my pig feed costs . . . . buying in bulk from a local mill On the gayest trailer I could find But it's not all work
  9. You know what mate, I had my doubts but it worked. She made a poultice, stuck it on for a few days and it drew all the shit out
  10. I am many many things. . . . But am am neither a Hipster nor Trendy. I'm just a scruffy b*****d who wears jumpers he finds / gets from a charity shop / inherits It's true
  11. Aye, edit the dogs out and it'd work a treat That IS a nice tree though. Just for you RM i'll go give it a hug tomorrow
  12. Mostly be goat, I guess. . . Who cares as long as it doesn't kill you and it tastes good. . . .
  13. One day. . . . . one day I will come back round. . . . .
  14. Notice I off set it well with the subtle hues of the dog leads . . . .
  15. Massive anti mate. Anti fashion
  16. Yer, on reflection . . . . . it's a really terrible jumper. I don't see a lot of folk day to day in the woods They can probably tell when I'm in town Didn't think of that RM. . . not a bad advantage
  17. Was having a wade through some brambles, and look what I found - dragged it out, cleaned it out and there you go - bit more piper and we have . . . . advanced water! Just need another few now. Bit of levelling, few paving slabs.
  18. Had a walk with the mrs and some of the mutts this morning for an hour or so early doors after feeding the pigs. Had a nice little hunt through some really thick stuff and then a long a gully and stream, ended up beneath a tree. Excuse the jumper.
  19. Funnily enough Tyla. . . . . part of my job on the estate seems to entail feeding raptors to. When you coming down matey? I need to show you my pigs and talk your head off. Lauren says if I don't shut up she'll end up strangling me. Give the woman some respite
  20. It let what will be, be. But I don't go looking for it. And I tend to take a 'softer' approach. Summertime. . . . it's the time for chilling out, healing, and doing all of the things that I didn't do in the fall and winter because I was hunting
  21. Couple of things - - Who told you it worked in Wales? I would love to know where a bouts this TB free mecca is? Because every place I go in Wales, all I hear is anger and frustration surrounding the governments attitude toward badgers. - Second - Do you not feel that the cull was somewhat set up to fail, being dictated to from above by people who have zero knowledge and understanding of the kind of job they are trying to run? - Also as stated, the problem of the badger extends far beyond the T.B side of things, although this is obviously the most major headache economically, how w
  22. Yer sorry mate, wires crossed I think. I meant, if we adopted the European model of each county / district doing a survey and then issuing licences via say the town hall for culling badgers (with terriers), then you'd get some interesting sorts rocking up to try their luck as well as the decent terrier men. It'd certainly bring the muppets out of the wood work.
  23. Aye, i know that lots do 'it' right. Don't you worry But can you imagine the kinds of nutters that would rock up to town hall if they were issuing badger culling licences
  24. That my friend. . . . is a very fair point. Sad but true.
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