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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. MIne make noises when they are excited, playing, hunting, pissed off, frustrated, a lot of reasons. But yes, when they are hungry as well . . . .
  2. I've found some ferrets walk around chattering like they're muttering to themselves, and that those have often been my best workers.
  3. Ideation


    I find ferreting in the day and filling in all the holes as you go, following by a few nights lamping with dogs or rifle is the best way for permanent removal.
  4. They can do no wrong in your eyes can they! You're right in what you say about the government wasting money, but this would be an outrage if it were to happen. A total disgrace don't you think? Actually mate they very much can, but as has been said- this is hardly consequential information. . . . evening standard and all that. If it was to go ahead it would be very wrong, i just think it's interesting how some folk will get very agitated at the thought of wasting tax payers money on that when they should already be agitated about the current wasting of tax payers money on just about
  5. I only do it with the first timers ! If it's the ferrets first time it has to learn to go down the hole. It's [bANNED TEXT] iv been taught to do and at 16 if it's [bANNED TEXT] most people u go ferreting with do n it works why not? Iv only ever had t do it twice and they've turned out to be pretty decent ferrets. My opinion is if you have to do that then they are not ready, i usually start mine about 7/8 months and they usually fly straight down. Don't really 'work' then until their second season, but just let them learn the ropes. Fair point man, what works for you works,
  6. Mate tax payers money is getting pissed away on a whole lot of things. . . . . . I don't agree with most things the government spends my cash on!
  7. Ideation


    Good idea on the buzzards labtastic and glad we agree clint, i'm sure in person we would agree on a lot of things. . Olim - it's not the most effective method, there is no single most effective method. Shooting is something i use to mop up, after the land has been ferreted and snared, and neither of those methods involve driving over any fields and can be far more effective than shooting. Here i get a lot of permission for the ferrets because they don't want people driving over their fields or running dogs, but also don't want idiots with rifles wandering around. . . . . these days they seem t
  8. Well there are apparently still a few healthy ones . . . . . one of which just this second met it's end to the .410. Funny thing is there are signs of a large rabbit population everywhere and have been, so the mixi has wiped them out extremely quickly and i haven't seen one dead with it or dying.
  9. That 'argument' as you put it is the answer being figured out. You'd have to be a moron to think there could be an answer like 'o yer of course everyone knows the best all rounder is such and such x' (that's being argumentative).
  10. Ideation


    As you said mate "pest"......and thats the reason that land owners/farmers want rid of them by any means. I'm pretty sure if a farmer had two choices put infront of him 1...Bigger rifle and leave to rot around the farm or 2.. Clean up with ferrets and take rabbits they would choose the latter. I know mate, but it's hard to change it once its already happening, i fully understand they are a pest and happily eradicate them . . . . but make use of them and as steve said. . . . finding flyblown smashed rabbits all over the shop is just depressing.
  11. Aye, i'm lucky i have land in other areas, but this is the stuff that i can walk out my front door to. Funny thing is they were here in very large numbers very recently, and i've seen no sick rabbits . . . .
  12. Find your self some sheep farmers just before lambing.
  13. Ideation


    It really gets on my tits when folk get the rifle boys in to shoot their rabbits and they just body shot them with the wrong calibre on the lamp and leave them to waste rather than let someone ferret/lamp them and both remove the pest and make use of the meat/fur.
  14. 1000's of acres mate. . . . walked a fair bit of it with the binos and a ferret, just for a walk, and saw lots and lots of signs, but very few rabbits. Ran the jill through a few big sets and didn't bolt a thing.
  15. Probably, but if you were to be standing next to a burrow with a crate of domestics and you were accidently to drop that crate and all of the rabbits were to escape into the set . . . . that wouldn't be illegal at all.
  16. Hello there, I get this mag each week and find it a good read, value for money ..what mags do you like mate ??? Aw bless.
  17. Everyone!.....if they can be bothered to get off their arse and make the effort Exactly my point wilf Agreed, but most don't. If you are looking for a true all rounder i would say most have never seen one, i don't think i have, not one that has taken all quarry, on all types of land.
  18. You are of course right matey. IMO the landscape also plays a factor, although a really good dog will be able to handle most things, certain sizes and other attributes such as acceleration and stamina, will help a dog fair better against all quarry in different types of land. Obviously i everyone would prefer a dog that has it all, but even these come in different packages. Then there is also the factor of the hunter, some dogs suite some peoples ways of hunting and mentality better than others. I'd take an all rounder collie x over an all rounder bull x, but thats me.
  19. Like you said before. . . . . . just like the terraces - would be good to see two vids running side by side - uncannily similar.
  20. Just use the crate mate- some of it is probably about being in a new place and not having a routine.
  21. 1 - c'mon don't be childish and also you mentioned it in your first post. 2 - What exactly does that mean? Or have any relevance to what i said?
  22. Out of interest how many of you would stand up and say your not a racist? I'm not calling anyone a racist i was just wondering about your take on yourselves?
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