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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. hunt (hnt) v. hunt·ed, hunt·ing, hunts v.tr. 1. To pursue (game) for food or sport. 2. To search through (an area) for prey: hunted the ridges. 3. To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game. 4. To pursue intensively so as to capture or kill: hunted down the escaped convict. 5. To seek out; search for. 6. To drive out forcibly, especially by harassing; chase away: hunted the newcomers out of town. v.intr. 1. To pursue game. 2. To make a search; seek. 3. Aerospace a. To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Us
  2. What do you count as hunting then? Genuine question. That's the thing, i'm not 100% sure! I've seen folk living what i would count as a true 'hunting life', overseas, folk who live a complete nomadic existence, getting EVERYTHING they need from the land. But back to your question, i've never felt that things like driven shooting are really hunting, i do it and love it, but it doesnt really require any field craft, or anything really, as long as you can handle a gun well you can fill the bag. Kinda similar with lamping - it IS hunting of course, but the dog doesn't 'hunt', it 'catches
  3. I think that there is a bit of a difference between using a gun/dog/bird etc to kill things and 'the hunting life'. I don't think any one on here really lives a TRUE hunting life, where their survival, sustenance and prosperity is dependent on their harvesting of game, and most of the other things that go on in their lives are somehow tied into this. However there is definitely a wide range of different levels of immersion into the 'hunting life' on this site, but i don't think the body count had much to do with it. Its the ethos. Another question would be - is stuff like driven shooting o
  4. Lovely looking hound mate - really racy looking and nice proportions - all round, my kind of dog! Would love to see some more photos of the beast!
  5. To be honest - first time i tried a locator was on a full days ferreting - stuck the collar on the jill when we got to the permission - she scratched for a couple of seconds then got very distracted by working, didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Wish they had smaller collars tho, they're a bit bulky for a small jill.
  6. Out of interest (and please don't get defensive) how many working lurchers do you have? I find it really amazing that folk manage to have enough game/time to really push and test their dogs when they have more than two, especially if they have a life - i.e family/job. It's a bit like when folk get into ferrets - start with two, then four and soon have 8 or something silly and just not the work for them. Nice healthy, happy looking pack though, a credit to you guys.
  7. O aye, and not scared of much, one of the few animals i've really seen turn on a dog. If the dogs not used to it, they can get a bit taken by surprise, with the speed.
  8. It's illegal for us over here - the madness of not being able to hunt/kill a non-native aggressive predator . . . . .You could probably do them on the lamp but they are pretty quick and don't tend to stick in the open, you'd probably be better off going out in the day with the terriers.
  9. I had this problem recently and got a great spray from my vet, one of my jills had a pretty bad tick issue and spraying her with this stuff and rubbing it into her fur with some rubber gloves and the lot died and fell off by the next day. I'll get the name later.
  10. Old hare dogs were deerhound/grey were they not? And before that just grey. But the Saluki adds a lot of the stamina that was bred out of our greys etc.
  11. Just a quick word of warning for those of you starting ferreting in this warm weather (and i know a lot will already know this) - i had to do a days ferreting recently to clear out some land and noticed that subsequently one of my jills was absolutely infested with ticks, within the space of a day or so. She must have picked up a ton of eggs as where we were working had recently had sheep on it. Horrible f*****g things! So if you take the stinkers out in the summer watch for ticks.
  12. They are in all the other sections - most of them don't like the idea of talking to other kids in the 'childs section' when they could post/read the other sections.
  13. So the seasons started then. . . .?

    1. CarraghsGem


      earlier for some than others! im just starting with the lurcher

    2. x38


      yep in it to win it...lol

  14. That's not your usual attitude toward folk killing half grown hares in summer is it?
  15. Maybe it was the firing pin for a little grenade you strap to the back of the ferret. Pull the pin, put the stinker in the hole and stand well back! Timed fuse, 5 minutes later when the ferret is in the heart of the warren: BOOM! Dead rabbits everywhere & no digging! Under appreciated - ferret suicide bombers are the way to go.
  16. Cage with a dead chicken might work.
  17. That's spot on mate. Just look at the stag hounds run by Dan etc and it says all. . . .
  18. Not being funny but do you have a reason to kill it or just fancy a go?
  19. Aye mate, should be fine, might need to gaffa tape the lamp to its hand mind.
  20. So this guy very nicely went out of his way to check and put that hob out of it's misery, then has posted up on here so that the owner (if it was lost) can know what happened. . . . .and then said he was annoyed at the driver for running it over - even if it was an accident, being annoyed after YOU just had to kill an injured ferret is fairly understandable would you not think? But still nearly every post on here is fairly pointless and just an attempt to pick a hole in something, anything at all. Many posts on here seem to degenerate into a nit-picking argument over someones turn of phrase or
  21. I get you mate - the only ferreting i'm currently doing is where i have been requested for pest control, the rest won't start yet, but it's discouraging at this point in the year to see . . . . NO RABBITS.
  22. how the f**k can u tell that mate the pup only looks a copule of days old they dont ven start takein proper shape till there about 8 months ive never heard anything so daft in my intier life lyk Thank f**k you said that, it's been making me laugh. Lots of folk always going - nice pups that is, looks like it will be a belter! . . . . . . it's a week old mate. People do it on here all the time, lets face it ALL pups look nice. Mind you with the sire he's got etc i'm not doubting these will make very tasty pups.
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