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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. I had the same the other day, i've noticed the odd hornet in the kennels, but always managed to get them before they have been a problem. Heard a short yelp the other day and went in to find my whippet had been stung on the leg and then managed to chomp in in half and was staring at it with absolute hatred. He staggered around a bit, but then had some food and seemed fine. b*****d things. Funny thing is he didnt swell.
  2. Back in from a GREAT walk in the pissing rain with the dogs.

  3. If you want nice yellow yolks greens help a lot.
  4. Now i have this wonderful image in my head of someone watching a dog chasing you, chasing a rabbit.. . . . . TBH i've never had to convince a dog to chase things, just what not to chase. My current pup (6 months) wants to take down anything that i haven't specifically taught him not to, his motto seems to be 'if in doubt, put it on its arse' - at the moment we are still talking squirrels, rats, mice, frogs, birds etc etc as i haven't entered him properly yet.
  5. Only poisonous frogs as far as i'm aware. Toads have toxins in their skin but i think common garden frogs are all good.
  6. I had to google that What it described though was an omnivorous, semi-aquatic creature. Though i suppose if they've escaped from captivity then they'll try and survive in whatever environment they find themselves. http://www.nutria.com/site5.php p.s. nutria seem quite cute They live in this country, mostly down south, they were released from fur farms years ago and got into the water system. They are a pain in the ass, undermining banks etc. Look at a pic of one - looks like that beastie.
  7. As you say, you don't know the man. no i dont know the man, like i dont know half the people on here, but most are full of shite on here, i should think he is truthfull. Yer. . .. that makes sense . . .
  8. The dog didn't run into her though did it? So it was obviously looking where it was going, every running dog i've met has enjoyed running up to and past people really close, and only rarely do they hit you.
  9. Needs more training mate, over and over, get yourself a whistle, a long training lead and put in some time everyday. You can start off with some small treats, but not too often. You just have to put the hours in, and like has been said, correct him when he fucks about, but all that should need is a growl rather than a slap.
  10. But if it drags em out you could be onto a winner.
  11. one tip - if you have any screws or bolts showing on the outside of the kennels - i.e door hinges, locking bolts etc etc - once your all finished, round them off with a drill so no f****r can take the door off the hinges etc. Mate of mine came home one day to find the dirty fuckers had taken the door off from the outside.
  12. It's also interesting to say 'cheapest i could find' as if price is the deciding factor, i wouldn't pick a kit from a litter i was less than 100% happy with, just cos it was five quid cheaper. I picked up a few kits this year for the first time in ages - the guy said i could have them for free (a member off here) but as they were such excellent kits and obviously a lot had gone into rearing and handling them i gave him some cash for them, just a fiver each, but it's just a token.
  13. You don't think a working ferret is worth 25 quid? How much would a working ferret be worth to you if someone asked to buy it? Think about all of the far less worthy things you've pissed 25 quid away on.
  14. This is how i met your mum . . . .
  15. Well done mate - golf courses are a nightmare. Super speedy rabbits on the green!
  16. Yer works in some cases but do you really think you got a steady enough hand to dab a number of ticks on your ferrets face with a lit fag? It's going to end with a burnt ferret and a bitten finger! As for all the folks knocking frontline etc - well i fully agree that the vets and anti-biotics are overkill unless there is an infection developing, but frontline is really handy, one of my jills recently ended up covered in tics - one day she suddenly had them all over her body, going over her with a tic remover would have been a nightmare, and i would have blatently missed a few, but a few sprays
  17. . . . . Right, so you can tell the state of some ones health from a photo of their legs not moving? That's some skill! Trying to suggest that because someone wears a trackie and runners they are healthy is a bit mad. . . .look around you at all the fat, lazy, chain smoking cnuts wearing just that. Still it's probably bollocks like you said!
  18. It means 'A message has been sent'.
  19. hunt (hnt) v. hunt·ed, hunt·ing, hunts v.tr. 1. To pursue (game) for food or sport. 2. To search through (an area) for prey: hunted the ridges. 3. To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game. 4. To pursue intensively so as to capture or kill: hunted down the escaped convict. 5. To seek out; search for. 6. To drive out forcibly, especially by harassing; chase away: hunted the newcomers out of town. v.intr. 1. To pursue game. 2. To make a search; seek. 3. Aerospace a. To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Us
  20. Cheers for the reply and not taking it personally. I know that with retired dogs, and up and coming pups, you can often have double the dogs in your kennel than you really work. However i've seen a few folk on here that have like 6 working lurchers etc, or go out with groups of friends so anyone night/day they are running 6/8 dogs. Maybe they have a lot of injuries or a huge amount of game, but if your dogs are not super accident prone, two fit, working, capable dogs can work and take a huge amount of game, and i think are not really tested until they have had a good 4+ years or working someth
  21. I guess one of the few things you can do if possible is know your land, if you can before lamping it etc, walk it, look for that chain harrow hidden in the grass, or that cow scratching stone, and then try to run your dogs smart, or as far as you can anyhow. Make sure your dogs are as well trained and responsive as possible etc. Also dogs get to know the land they run, but so does game. Went out last season with a member off here, lamping rabbits, in one field, the guy said - keep your dog on the lead or it'll get itself killed. Flicked the lamp onto the first rabbit and slipped his own dog, t
  22. What do you count as hunting then? Genuine question. That's the thing, i'm not 100% sure! I've seen folk living what i would count as a true 'hunting life', overseas, folk who live a complete nomadic existence, getting EVERYTHING they need from the land. But back to your question, i've never felt that things like driven shooting are really hunting, i do it and love it, but it doesnt really require any field craft, or anything really, as long as you can handle a gun well you can fill the bag. Kinda similar with lamping - it IS hunting of course, but the dog doesn't 'hunt', it 'catches
  23. Cheers for the reply and not taking it personally. I know that with retired dogs, and up and coming pups, you can often have double the dogs in your kennel than you really work. However i've seen a few folk on here that have like 6 working lurchers etc, or go out with groups of friends so anyone night/day they are running 6/8 dogs. Maybe they have a lot of injuries or a huge amount of game, but if your dogs are not super accident prone, two fit, working, capable dogs can work and take a huge amount of game, and i think are not really tested until they have had a good 4+ years or working someth
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