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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. No problem mate, initially The Serbs were defending against aggression, they didn't kick the war off. And if you look back in the history in that region, you could understand why the minority Serbs in Croatia would be frightened of the nationalist Croatians after what had happened to them 40 - 50 years before . I've got a link for another doc that's even better IMO. It lasts for about 3 hours over 2 parts. It goes more in depth and highlights more of the problems the Serb civilians had to endure throughout the troubles there. It features all kinds of people and is quite surprising and sho
  2. Someone snaring? Fox takes the body and leaves the head, head gets moved on by something - you find head?
  3. Your right, certain breeds of dogs of dogs do have certain traits that make the breed (often) more suited to certain jobs, quarry, land or even person. And research is always worthwhile. Your right just because one dog has certain positive traits does not mean that they will be passed onto all offspring, but its even more so the case that because one, two or even many dogs of a certain 'type' or breed have certain characteristics, that all or any dog of that breed or type will have them. If i was intending to breed a first x collie, beardie, border (any herding dog really), and it's definatly
  4. I would also recommed Rebecca Wests 'Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A journey through Yogoslavia' - a great read an incredibly informative about the entire history of Yogoslavia. . . .pretty unbiased also.
  5. If you are really interested go and speak to people there on all sides before making an opinion.
  6. Surely it's all dependent on the herding dog itself when breeding a first x. . . .beardie, border. . . . i'd just pick whatever the best was i could get my hands on, it's all very well idealizing traits a breed 'had' or even 'has' but you cant just go with the breed, you gotta go with the dog. If that makes sense?
  7. Are many of the offspring worked or just raced/showed?
  8. Why do people always let you down? Can't find a reliable ferreting partner . . .

    1. artic


      Sometimes solo is the best option. Their loss...

    2. old real tree

      old real tree

      give me a PM mate......

    3. tb25


      more fool them mate

    4. Show next comments  1,476 more
  9. sorry may be being blonde here but are squatters sitting rabbits? Aye, squatters are rabbits that try to hide by crouching low rather than running when you put the lamp on them.
  10. They can do very well, especially with squatters, obviously they lack straight speed, but have plenty of brains.
  11. very true mate and complex aint the word for it.Oh and its easy for the west to demonise the serbs but runs far deeper than that. The whole thing was just pure horror mate, everyone suffered, but the largest suffering did fall on the Bosnian and Bosniak peoples, but there is blame all over and the west, in particular the dutch and french governments, are due a large helping. The thing most REALLY don't get is that the war isn't over, it's continuing in many ways, to this day. . . . It's still my favorite part of the world. I'm heading back in the next month or so and can't wait
  12. The most complex and messed up situation and one so few in the west understand. I lived there for a bit and have spent a lot of time there over the years and have many friends who were caught up in the war. It's truly horrifying and we in the west should hang our heads in shame that we did so little to help.
  13. . . . . and i didn't take the piss either, i gave some advise and then replied to scothunters observation, which was entirely correct imo
  14. hes a year old, got him from a breeder newcastle way. he is a one man dog although will protect household/family, but,,,, they are ferocious in the most serious sense. didnt realise what i was letting myself in for!! but i couldnt do without him its like having an ex sas as your personal body gaurd, i sleep very well a night knowing hes roaming. Yer mate, i had a few 'experiences' with them when traveling etc. They are great dogs, but not to be taken lightly. I really hope that they don't become better known and more accessible, because they are a serious dog and can be a serious d
  15. I fully agree mate. It's a bit of a joke, so many lads get an animal, be it dog or ferret, without having a scooby. No wonder they run into so many problems. It seems like a good idea at the time, but they don't think about the long term needs etc
  16. Being worked has f**k all to do with it - it's light dependant, or until they are mated, given the jill jab or run with a vac hob. Some won't come out of season and these can get health issues.
  17. I called the guy a wanker cos he's selling live rabbits to greyhound trainers - thats why he's getting paid so much. f**k all respect for the quarry and the kind of thing that will get ferreting banned or at least looked at in a really bad light. TWAT!
  18. Everyone round here seems to have been ferreting since the end of July
  19. Spot on mate. Rabbits make their warrens under cover for a reason and if there are a lot of warrens in an area and you cut the cover over some and leave it for a few days they will often re-locate to a 'safer' covered warren. Also all rabbits are different in different places, i've had some refuse to bolt no matter what and other be chased to ground by dogs, and then immediatly bolted to shotguns and despite several bangs, they keep coming.
  20. Ive never had problems with nylon tangling, except the very light 4z nets which I avoid like the plague...The heavier nylon especially 10z should never pose a problem with tangling I'm glad for you, its just a personal preference mate. For me there are better materials and i use them, but its each to their own.
  21. f**k nylon - i hate the stuff, i've used it once and never again. A mix of hemp and spun poly do me in a range of sizes, both lots made by members on here to a very high standard that i am extremely happy with, niether materials tangle that badly and both will purse as well if not better than nylon as long as your net laying is up to scratch.
  22. Off to Scotland now.

    1. Tallyho


      wish i was going up there .

  23. this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off. secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give. thanks for your help all the best you big man. Me the big man? Your the one who would leave me a 'right off' for telling you like it is. To be honest it doesn't matter what the financial value
  24. To be honest mate anyone who says they would rather not get it sorted out proper 'for a tenners worth of ferret' is a bit of a dick. If it was your dog it would be worth doing proper. but cos its a ferret that only cost you a tenner - well if it dies we can always get another right?
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