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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. its not the quantity its the quality of his workers. two good ferrets is better them 6 crap ones Aye but six good ferrets are better than two good ferrets.
  2. so are you for a cul or against yes or no will do. Don't know enough about the situation to make a decision, just meant that they are certainly not 'endangered' around me as some anti's like to try and suggest.
  3. Ideation


    this site is for hunting but all you've used it for is winding up, you dont need to justify yourself it's quite clear. and by the way i have nothing to do with the edl Yes . . . . very good point. . . . this site IS for hunting. SO WHY THE f**k DO YOU LOT KEEP STARTING ANTI MUSLIM / EDL / POLITICAL THREADS? Don't you have some kinds junior fascist forum you could go have a circle jerk on? Your an embarrassment (not you personally) to the rest of us who are getting a wee bit sick of folk making those that hunt look like a complete bunch of c**ts. to all muzzie lovers,if y
  4. Ideation


    this site is for hunting but all you've used it for is winding up, you dont need to justify yourself it's quite clear. and by the way i have nothing to do with the edl Yes . . . . very good point. . . . this site IS for hunting. SO WHY THE f**k DO YOU LOT KEEP STARTING ANTI MUSLIM / EDL / POLITICAL THREADS? Don't you have some kinds junior fascist forum you could go have a circle jerk on? Your an embarrassment (not you personally) to the rest of us who are getting a wee bit sick of folk making those that hunt look like a complete bunch of c**ts.
  5. They are EVERYWHERE round me - certainly in no short supply.
  6. Alright mate - reply coming soon as but might not be tonight as i gotta head out with dogs. Cracking discussion With regard to stories i tell i'm telling the truth and have good reason to belive those i spoke to also told the truth. . . . . . the situation it was in and the fok i was with kind of ensured that a little . . . . . . . long story. Edited to say. . . . .and i've seen the bodies. Horrible as it sounds. . . . it's true!
  7. Ideation


    Big Slims right - having some kind of problem with muslim extremists is one thing and fair enough, and standing up for your beliefs is good. Just being an ignorant, dogmatic, racist idiot is another. Interesting how most of the folk bigging up the EDL's actions are either children or men with the minds of children. Funny thing i've never met a clever racist / facist. You guys are bothered by folk with a different coloured skin, i'm bothered by stupid, violent, bigoted idiots chanting and wandering about our streets trashing stuff and looking for a fight like a group of chavs on a friday night.
  8. I'd say your gonna get more trouble if your WITH a hunt - cos then everyone knows where, when and what your doing. I could go out stark bollock naked right now singing 'i'm off to dig a foxy' with a shovel over my shoulder and a terrier under my arm, and as long as i'm not shooting my mouth off and folk dont see me. . . . . how exactly am i going to get done? Whereas if i am 'known' as a digging bloke, dress, act, speak like one, show off my terriers, make lots of friends in the digging world and work with a hunt thats being monitered by antis . . . . . i'm gonna get f****d. P.S - maybe
  9. A true example, one of the best spaniels I ever owned, a kennel dog ,12 years old.If I took it out working it couldn't walk for 3 days, if I kept it in the house it peed any where it liked, mainly on furniture, it would actually jump up on to the sofa for a piss. If I left it in the kennel when I took the other dogs out it would scream like a banshee and rip everything it could to bits. It had one last day out, while it sat contented beside me looking into the distance, bang ! the lights went out. I had tears in my eyes all the way home, but that dog was better off dead. Good post ma
  10. Fully agree with stubbys post, keeping any animals has associated costs which the owner needs to be prepared for. However not having a locator shouldn't stop a 12yr old ferreting, you just have to pick your warrens etc. It's very hard to permanently lose your ferret in a 3-6 hole set. Make sure the ferrets are well hand tamed and work on getting them to come when you whistle, by whisteling them out to feed them. Get your self a shovel and a probe and crack on.
  11. What was the free issue newspaper that the 'facts' were in out of interest?
  12. Fair enough. . . . if your dogs runs onto my land it's fair game. I WILL shoot it dead. Whats the problem. . . . dogs can't catch real game??? more than you will ever know Excellent . . . . . so why waste your time with cats? Can't eat em, aren't bothering you and it might be some wee girls pet that she loves etc. p.s - so your cool if i shoot your dog or any other i see running about my land then? Their quite a fun target, it's rare you get to shoot something so big and fast moving with a shotgun. It's a real sense of accomplishment. if i was running on your land which
  13. I'm not sure i could be out night after night and day after day with a dog, raise it, train it, form a bond with it and know it inside out and as soon as it slows down shoot it to make way for a new one. Maybe folk should just think about these things before they get dogs . . . . ? 8-10 years is a long time for an animal to be your hunting partner, give its all to you and for you, only to turn your back on it as soon as it can't perform as it once did.. . . . Each to their own i know, but for a lot i think maybe it's just done cos it's 'less hassle' than having the dog about the place. What y
  14. Fair enough. . . . if your dogs runs onto my land it's fair game. I WILL shoot it dead. Whats the problem. . . . dogs can't catch real game??? more than you will ever know Excellent . . . . . so why waste your time with cats? Can't eat em, aren't bothering you and it might be some wee girls pet that she loves etc. p.s - so your cool if i shoot your dog or any other i see running about my land then? Their quite a fun target, it's rare you get to shoot something so big and fast moving with a shotgun. It's a real sense of accomplishment.
  15. Why don't folk just course them where they are? Not knocking it just never been to Ireland so don't quite get it? Surely it's a bigger test if the hare is in its natural environment / home???
  16. f**k all wrong with wrapping you up in your net and throwing you in. you're not going to last long here Well said. f*****g tools just looking for £'s.
  17. Is it not almost same distance, but varying shot pattern etc? Edited to say that the size shot will also make the biggest difference. With a 12 bore it's something like - No. 2 - 330 yards No. 4 - 286 yards No. 6 - 242 yards No. 7 1/2- 209 yards No. 8 - 198 yards (Max range) Altitude also effects it. According to data published by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute, the maximum range for No. 7 1/2 shot is 780 feet at sea level but increases to 1,080 feet at high altitude (12,000 ft.).
  18. Looking at house for sale - 182 acres, 2.5 miles of coastline, 3 off shore islands, couple of decent trout lochs. . . .110,000!!!!!!!

    1. andyfr1968


      Where???? Sounds better than perfect!!!

    2. Ideation
    3. pianoman


      Can I borrow that dream when you've finished with it?

    4. Show next comments  1,470 more
  19. Yer - REALLY not fun is it, i've had to get a few out and they fight like fuckers. Occupational hazard of setting snares tho.
  20. Fair enough. . . . if your dogs runs onto my land it's fair game. I WILL shoot it dead. Whats the problem. . . . dogs can't catch real game???
  21. Just find the best possible litter you can, worry about if you like the x after. No good wishing for a certain crossing if there are only substandard litters about of that x.
  22. How on earth has the hare survived in good mental health for hundreds of thousands of years with foxes, wolves and what ever else chasing after them? The hare has evolved to run away from predators on a regular basis, it wouldn't have lasted long if it had a mental breakdown every time something targeted it for lunch... I don't necessarily agree with the bloke but that's not what he was saying. I think he meant that although a number of hares are not killed during coursing, and go back to the wild, their experience of being captured, transported, released and chased could be suffici
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