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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. I'm going to see them tomorrow. I will find out who it was, and I will find out why they did it. And then I will decide my course of action lol.
  2. Just wanted to have a little vent! Got a phone call half an hour ago, from a farmer that farms the ground next to my house. Been walking the ground for my whole life, don't have permission to hunt it, as there is no game, but have permission to cross it etc. Over the years i've helped said farmer out countess times calling about sheep down, untangling sheep from fences, getting them off their backs, even stopped a dog killing their sheep a few years ago. Anyway, I get an irate phone call. Some one has phoned me and said that your dogs have been chasing my in-lamb ewes. 100% bullshit
  3. I'd say that was a massive generalisation. I think the 'effort' put into a run is probably as much down to the individual dog. I think the issue r.e bull x's and stamina, is in the breeding. How many greyhounds that are used, have very good stamina? And how many of the bulls used actually have any kind of decent stamina, most of them are 'pet bulls'. . . . . hardly done a days work in their life. . . . . they also have a different kind of stamina to other breeds.
  4. I'd say that the collie is (at least in this country) as old and established breed (that likes to chase, bite and kill things) as the bull. . . . . probably older.
  5. If it makes you feel better, my bitch wanted to muller an angry swan today lol.
  6. yeh as you say some places got to be on foot mate, but regards poaching everybody jumped over a fence mate its human nature . it like somebody saying that ground over there there tons of rabbits on there but it hot, so year after year you leave it alone , and you still catching say your odd few legal rabbits. then one night you say feck it I going to get me a good bag , and jump over the fence (human nature ) made you do that and people always will . but I will admit it must be nice to have loads of legal ground with game on it, but you never be there on your own , not when Mr
  7. I just use a gun dog whistle. I don't actually use it to work her at all, just as a recall type thing over distance. Hope you enjoy your hound mate, my buddy has a half x springer/beagle and it's some hunting machine. . . . and the happiest dog alive lol.
  8. I use it, because if my bitch ends up a fair way away, and we have lost each other, the whistle carries for a long way, lets her know where I am and where to come back to. Also less obvious than a horn, or me yelling. Just works for me.
  9. My advice would be this - don't worry about the dog hunting, focus all of your attention on getting the bond, getting the obedience, recall etc. . . . get it on a whistle. And get it used to lots of stuff. If it's half beagle, half springer. . . . . i'd be shocked if it didn't hunt like hell. But what you want is a dog that doesn't just f**k off for no good reason, and one that once it has lost whatever its on for good, will come straight back, and start again, rather than casting off from there. Also when using it for working with lurchers, best if it doesn't like to follow on too fa
  10. My bitch will hunt anything from a mouse to a wild boar. And yes, I think if you know the dogs, you can get an idea what it is they are on, by the tone and rhythm, if that makes sense. You can also usually tell this by the speed the dog is travelling and how far they go etc. I also can tell when she is close as she goes from a bay to a scream lol. I have to say I absolutely love having a hound blooded dog in my little gang, it makes walks so much more interesting. Mind you. . . . its not subtle at times!
  11. Yer, sounds really good for a young one! My bitch is 3/4 beagle, and she is very controllable when working cover, but and even working a cold scent. But when she starts baying and hits a good line of something in forestry that isn't hanging about. . . . .then it;s a case of. . . bye bye! Wouldn't be without her though.
  12. Ideation

    Hunt Sabs

    Absolutly brilliant!
  13. Don't think there is much more than an eighth of bull in my bitch, and you can certainly see it and tell it's there.
  14. Because when the dog hits a line and goes roaring off through the woods, it's quite nice to have something to read while you're sat waiting for it to return!
  15. It's also down to the land. You couldn't drive the land round here, its a nightmare of hedges, ditches, woods, streams, fences etc etc etc. Some places, arable land, it's just massive expanses of stubble, with open gateways. . . . driving is just more efficient. Mind you every field, we always check if its been sown, and if there is no head land, we don't go on it . . . simple as. Look after the farmers, they are your friends. Simplest way to look at it, is that it's just a way to shine your lamp on more ground per night than on foot, and in some places thats what you need. Would n
  16. Mine marks holes. The only problem is she also 'guards' holes. . . . . quite furiously. . . . from any and all other dogs. Bit embarrassing at times. But handy if someone had a terrier they didn't want following to ground. Unfortunatly, despite putting ever effort into picking a dog that would not go to ground, she has been, and now. . . . if she can fit. . . . .
  17. Get yourself some running shoes. Or a good book.
  18. In my brief experience of it, the truck never left the headland, and the dog and lamp man, jumped out for the run. Just means you can cover a lot more ground, and driving round the field edge, somehow seems to spook some rabbits less, than dog and man walking it. Funnily enough, when I've done it, the slips have all been a lot longer than when on foot, as they have all been from the hedge out to where rabbit is, as opposed to walking in field and walking them up. On ground that isn't lifting with game, its a way to get 20-30 runs in front of the dog rather than 10 in the same number of hours.
  19. Same story everywhere. The death bell of lurcher work, will be rung by those amongst us, long before those outside. Edited to add - I've recently been introduced to driving the land while lamping (on permission) and it's fantastic, anyone who says that the dogs must be shit. . . either they don't know bugger all, or they have only experienced the muppets doing it. However, i've a friend who farms in an area with plenty of game, and they have had lads driving through fences, 50 yards from open gateways, and when they chained all of the gates, they just put chains round the gate post
  20. Oh yes Ow. . . . we have had some fun. Roll on next year, got a few ideas what to do next haha. I have to say, having seen Sky work plenty this year, although not on all of your trips, you wouldn't think she was a first season bitch, really good all round dog. But I reckon Avril might be the one to watch next year!
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