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Everything posted by Ideation

  1. Just did the maths and i'm out by six months. So he's five and a half! But aye time has indeed flown. . . . . he has been a very good dog. He can do my head in at times, and he's the most independent, single minded little sod I know. . . . . but he knows how to hunt and catch, and he has never given anything but 100% day and night, and he'd run himself to death for me if I asked him. He catches a lot more than he misses and has had an eclectic mix of quarry. By the way, I can't think who you are? Newkid. . . . . i'm unfortunately over dogged at the moment, with four dogs of my own all of w
  2. BT - If she takes, they should be around at the start of October sometime. Jim - They won't be born here mate, my place is just the knocking shop lol. She will be heading back to West Wales in the next couple of days. Ive seen them tie at least twice more so fingers crossed.
  3. Yer its a big issue with Finn, and I've had problems in the past, his nails grow like feck, the main issue I think, is he is in the house, where the others are in concrete floored runs! I hate cutting his, so just jog him a long the lanes most nights in the lead up to the season. . . . . .
  4. I was waiting for someone to notice Its a nightmare having dogs with black nails. . . . I never cut finns as you can't see where to cut. . . . . . so he just gets run on the road to wear them down. . . . . as its the summer, he's not been out road running yet. As for her. . . . . I don't know what the excuse is Summer maybe? My mate is a vet (and farmer) so he's got no excuse Doesn't seem to effect either of them running though. Had finn out last night and he did ok
  5. Aye, if it works out, they should be very good dogs on rabbits and rats, and in a different world, would probably account for a few other species to. Both Finn and Ddu have flushed foxes and hare to the gun, and Finn has 'retrieved' a few other things as well. . . .
  6. Ive got big feet mate. I'm not exactly a midget
  7. Tried to put him to another bitch a couple of years ago and she didn't take, but he was inexperienced and wasn't on home birth, so didn't get the best tie etc. They have tied twice today, and she is staying till the weekend, so fingers crossed. She has a lot of good breeding in her, and similar breeding to Finn. . . . so as you say, potentially good working whippets could come out of the litter.
  8. PM sent NW Fingers crossed she takes. Thanks for the kind comments lads
  9. She is indeed a whippet NL. My mate has kept the line for a long time, and she is a good old girl. Works the lamp and daytime, and has a great nature to boot. You've seen plenty of photos of my dickhead, but in case anyone has forgotten. . . . . He's been a good dog to me over the last six years.
  10. Finn finally got his leg over today! One happy whippet! And here's his new girlfriend
  11. When the boy dog puts his pee pee inside the girl dog you get baby dogs. Ya get me?
  12. Maybe its been a slow week. But first picture front left?
  13. Not the bird on the stage you tits.
  14. First thing I noticed about those photos was that the women were hot. That's all that matters. . . . . when in rome. . . . .
  15. Hahahaha classic mate. That's terriers for you, nothing if not characters.
  16. He's ok. . . . he's got someone else to do the running and carrying, while he stands about nursing his knee Still laughing at you standing at the bottom of that banking "what they got Jai, what they got?" What you doing in the morning homo? Give me a shout if you fancy it, or tomo eve.
  17. Its an issue really. We are on a discussion site, to discuss something which is illegal, and so discussing it is forbidden or at least very foolish. Other than the above, most folk would rather argue than have a constructive discussion, or tell an articulate story. But there are the odd gems. If those of us who did a bit and had a half decent ability to string a sentence together, started posting things, maybe the tide would turn? Or maybe not. One of the biggest frustrations is something hunting related with get three replies. And something about homosexual, islamic, gypsies w
  18. Matching tent, chairs and trug bucket. . . . I'm not saying anything . . . .
  19. Not all mine as said, its mine and Wales12345's little team (the little hound is missing though, as we were waiting for her to come back from a hunt). Paul - Yes it does indeed mate, they are really competitive and hunt like hell.
  20. They all get on fine in the field, but there have been some 'incidents' in the kennels, yard and truck etc. Generally fine, but the black and white bitch is a bit hectic, and the black bitch is a miserable cow! Johnny - Yep, still got the whippet, and he's still going strong! Sat looking at me now. He may well be making more whippets sometime next week!
  21. Haha, i've got no problem with where a dog comes from matey, I couldn't give a hoot lol. But those three dogs just happen to all have been born and bred in Wales. Not all mine. Back left is a collie x, back right is bull/beddy/deerhound/grey/collie and front is bull/collie/sal/grey/whip. They are shaping up into a pretty handy team.
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