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Ideation last won the day on November 17 2015

Ideation had the most liked content!

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8,216 Excellent

About Ideation

  • Rank
    Jesus Like Hunter
  • Birthday 29/03/1911

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Middle of nowhere, South Wales
  • Interests
    Traveling, Music, Walking, Food, Ferreting, Scruffy lurchers, Falcons, Shooting a snowy wood with a good spaniel, Shooting anywhere with a good spaniel, Terriers, Reading, Fields, Woods, Streams, Fly Fishing, Stalking, Rough Shooting. In short . . . i like being outside.

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  1. Just had some christians at the door . . . .. f*****g keen out here. Guy was a cross eyed nonce, but the girl was fit. As soon as i opened the door they looked disappointed.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KittleRox
    3. Ideation
    4. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68


      Because you only looked like Jesus?LOL

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