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Everything posted by Plong

  1. Gnasher, sorry you have a good knowledge about boxing but you know little about the training or the use of drugs in sport, if steriods made so little differnce do you really think sportsmen woud risk there carriers taking them. As for bringing doorman into the argument 90% of them are puffs, they think lifting heavyweights makes you hard and don't have a clue how to through a punch. A lot of them are 20 year old lads just there for the birds and get straight on the radio for the police when it kicks off. Gnasher some of the top UK bodybuilders use painkillers to push more reps mainly when work
  2. Gnasher if you have good core strengh you will take a punch better most fighters get stopped because there legs give up on them. Other thing it's usually the gym owners selling the gear in the smaller gyms, I know 2 in my town where I can walk in and buy them other the counter if I wished one where if you pay a fiver they will inject it for you both steriods and some pain killer which allows you to do more reps also avaliable are diet pills which are not legal in the UK. Fact is a lot of small gyms are owned by guys that are body builders so don't have a problem with steriods. Other point wher
  3. Steriods improve your strengh which in turn allows you to take a better punch, I don't think you relize the differnce steriods make, I have trained in gyms both combat and fitness gyms for around 20 years, I know people who both take and sell steriods. You get young lads coming in gyms that cannot bench 40kgs within 6 months of taking steriods there benching 100kgs+, these are lads that are not athletes but through taking steriods they become stronger than guys that natural athletes. Why do you think guys like Roy Jones & James Toney guys who started as middleweights where able to fight at
  4. Can someone please tell me what Audley has done to deserve a shot at the British and Commenwelth titles? Having watched most of his fights there has only been one exciting momment in all of his fights and that was his win over a journyman in Michael Sprott. I can't belive after all the rubbish fights hes been in people still get caught up by all the hype. I did tweet him the other day to ask him why when there's at least 5 british heavyweights who I think would beat him he deserve's a title shot before the likes of Price, Chisora, Towers, Sexton, McDermott, Barrett, he failed to reply.
  5. Bang on always makes me laugh when a fighter gets decked folk jump up and shout " glass jaw ".....boxings about hitting and not getting hit.... not hitting and seeing how hard you can get hit back......Amir Khan had no defence whatsoever when he was sparked out.....now hes gone away and got himself a defence folk are saying he,s on steroids .........its a bit like Arsenal .....good on the offence but no defence at all His defence did not look great when he faced Maidana, a noted puncher thats why many people started doubting he was clean. It doe's not help when you go to a gym where othe
  6. Owners buying crap bred from crap is to blame for a lot of it, if you go to view a pup and are unsure about it walk away, too many people turn up to buy pups look at the bitch and sire think I don't really like those but the pup may turn out ok and get sucked in by the bloke selling the pups about how many kills he's had with them and how it jumped into the zoo and ragged a rhino about.
  7. That's the truth about the heavyweight division it is weak as theres no longer any top class american heavyweights.
  8. There's not a good heavyweight in the states Eddie Chambers is the best of a poor bunch. Its too early to judge Fury he has plenty of talent but you won't see the best of him for another 3 years at least. The good thing with Fury is he is improving with every fight at the momment.
  9. Gnasher I have done it I know, it makes a hell of a difference more than a few cups of coffee, don't know what dose I took but it was 5 really small tablets. Fact is with Pacman theirs a hell of a lot of people in boxing who have pointed the finger not just Mayweather, Kevin Mitchall has said it, Frank Warren has his doubt's, American fighters have said Freddy Roaches gym is well known for it. Just find it strange that fighters in Roaches gym who looked glass chinned before they trained with him suddenly get the ability to take big shots.
  10. Ephedrine is taken about 40 minutes before a fight, it gives both increased energy and aggresion, its not used as a training supplement. The reason I mentioned steriods in the same statement is theres alot of american fighters that have failed drugs tests for steriods and in my opnion if you move up more then 3 weights steriods are usually involved. Reason I mentioned ephedrine is it's the one I have personally come across been used in amature sport. Sure some of them take steriods as well but there not going to do that in a car traveling to an event, you can take steriods and get the requied
  11. No trainer of any worth would allow his fighter to use ephedrine......the eca stack ( ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin ) is a great energy precursor,its basically a simple low grade meth.......and yes of course it burns fat......but what it can also do if used over long periods is cause heart trouble mainly mitral valve prolapse....it ups your blood pressure and raises your heartbeat........all things which can be easily picked up by a doc in any of your pre fight medicals. It sharpens reflexes,you hear better see more clearly and generally react quicker.......but if preparing for a big fight alone
  12. Yeah thought Burns did great, expected him to have some worrying moments in the first few rounds, but he boxed well behind the jab and kept him away.
  13. Pacman, but Mayweather will beat him if they fight, despite all the drug allegations Mayweather will be too fast for him. Just wish they would get some decent drug testing in pro boxing, it's rife in the amatures as well with people taking ephedrine, but the fact theres so many pros failing drug test's it stinks.
  14. Plong


    From what I have read it's the end of the road for him all the best to him hope he passes on as peacefully as his condition allows, his autobiography is a good read.
  15. I would be worried about running it know matter how long it's left, if it puts a tight turn in chances are it will pull up laim at best. Broke my leg 3 years ago and I can now only do 20 minutes twice a week on a tredmill anymore and I go laim for a week.
  16. Don't know why he's still trying to fight at Super Middleweight he should either get back down to middle or retire, can't see him getting past round 5 if Groves takes it to him. Nice guy but he looks out of his depth at Super Middle.
  17. That's the problem with using a line, you have to dig holes just to follow the line. I'm the same as you if I dug holes all over I would soon lose some of my permision.
  18. You tend to get out breaks when big numbers of ferrets are kept together, I know a guy who keeps ferrets and his got it twice when he was a kid but he said both times he had large amounts of ferrets 20-30 so I think it could be due to large numbers been kept together especially where you are bringing fresh blood stock in all the time.
  19. I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line. You dont use a line all the time, you work gills without the line, then if you get a gill sitting down there, send down a hob with a line on knoted every 5ft and start digging. I know how to use a line my point is theres a hell of a lot of digging useing a line, would rather just work well fed ferrets so they don't lie up, when knotting a line y
  20. You should never use a muzzle it's an old timmers thing, but the ferret can't defend it's self if it comes across a rat or the like.
  21. I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line. You dont use a line all the time, you work gills without the line, then if you get a gill sitting down there, send down a hob with a line on knoted every 5ft and start digging. I know how to use a line my point is theres a hell of a lot of digging useing a line, would rather just work well fed ferrets so they don't lie up, when knotting a line y
  22. I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line. You dont use a line all the time, you work gills without the line, then if you get a gill sitting down there, send down a hob with a line on knoted every 5ft and start digging. I know how to use a line my point is theres a hell of a lot of digging useing a line, would rather just work well fed ferrets so they don't lie up, when knotting a line y
  23. I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line.
  24. Not worth doing rabbits don't like bolting in the dark.
  25. Get a life, your dogs need walking.
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